1. 狂飆第06集- 中國人線上看 - ChinaQ
【年份】2023 【地區】大陸【集數】39集【時長】45分钟【主演】張譯/ 張頌文/ 李一桐【簡介】京海市一線刑警安欣(張譯飾),在與黑惡勢力的鬥爭中,不斷遭到保護傘的打擊, ...
ChinaQ 中國人線上看 狂飆 第06集: 京海市一線刑警安欣(張譯 飾),在與黑惡勢力的鬥爭中,不斷遭到保護傘的打擊,始終無法將犯罪分子繩之以法。 ...
2. iQ.com - 線上看狂飆第1集帶字幕–愛奇藝iQIYI
14 jan 2023 · :陸劇《狂飆》(2023)講述的是一部掃黑除惡堅決鬥爭的回憶錄,橫跨20年的群像敘事全景式展現時代變遷下的黑白較量與複雜人性。 由張譯(《辣媽正傳》)、 ...
An Xin (played by Zhang Yi), a front-line criminal police officer in Jinghai City, is constantly in a struggle with the black and evil forces, and is never able to bring the criminals to justice. After the national political and legal team education and rectification work, Linjiang Province sent a steering group to Jinghai, combined with the public prosecution, law and justice departments, to clear the corrupt elements within the political and legal team. This crushed the protectionistic measures the black and evil forces have planted in the system, and in one fell swoop, he managed to eradicate the strong group that has been cooped up in Jinghai for many years.
3. 狂飆(2023) 全集帶字幕- 愛奇藝 - iQIYI
狂飆第1集 · 狂飆第3集 · 狂飆第2集
An Xin (played by Zhang Yi), a front-line criminal police officer in Jinghai City, is constantly in a struggle with the black and evil forces, and is never able to bring the criminals to justice. After the national political and legal team education and rectification work, Linjiang Province sent a steering group to Jinghai, combined with the public prosecution, law and justice departments, to clear the corrupt elements within the political and legal team. This crushed the protectionistic measures the black and evil forces have planted in the system, and in one fell swoop, he managed to eradicate the strong group that has been cooped up in Jinghai for many years.Join me to watch
on iQIYI!
4. 剧集《狂飙》第26集线上看在线观看 - CN影院
5. 狂飆古惑仔電影戲劇- 線上看- 搜尋結果- HamiVideo
電視-電影-戲劇線上看,Hami Video提供超過90個電視頻道,包括即時新聞、財經、綜藝,另有台劇、韓綜、陸劇、韓劇、CPBL及運動賽事線上看等,萬部電影、戲劇及兒童動漫線上 ...
電視-電影-戲劇線上看,Hami Video提供超過90個電視頻道,包括即時新聞、財經、綜藝,另有台劇、韓綜、陸劇、韓劇、CPBL及運動賽事線上看等,萬部電影、戲劇及兒童動漫線上看,讓客戶免出門,免租還片,立即訂馬上看。另支援跨裝置(手機/平板/電腦)接續收看,如同將行動電影院隨身帶著走。是電視也是電影院。
6. 狂飆一夢線上看-深度品味、紀實傳記-電影-MyVideo|陪你每一刻
香港國際紀錄片節競賽片!《狂飆一夢》七〇年代,民主的浪潮奮力湧起;1989年,鄭南榕為爭取言論自由而自焚。對許多狂熱投入反對運動的基層人士來說,這層層事件的堆疊, ...
7. 玩命狂飆| 電影免費線上看 - KKTV
《玩命狂飆》免費線上看。《急速獵殺》,《Stretch》。演員:派翠克威爾森/克里斯潘恩/潔西卡艾芭。欠一屁股債的禮車司機被黑幫下了最後通牒,必須在午夜前籌好現金否則 ...
8. 狂飆一夢- 電影線上看 - friDay影音
狂飆一夢 · The Price of Democracy · 狂飆一夢. 兌換成功. 可在48小時內 ...
狂飆一夢 - 電影線上看 | 遠傳friDay影音