Press of Atlantic City from Atlantic City, New Jersey (2024)

ATLANTIC CITY PRESS, SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1930 Movement Begun To Hang Historic Bridgeton Bell In New Junior Schoolhouse Piece Cast In 1764 Known As 'Liberty Bell' Bell Tolled When Declaration of Independence Was Announced BRIDGETON. There is some sentiment here to hang the old "Liberty Bell" in the Bridgeton cupola of the new junior grade school that is under construction. The old bell which was made in in 1764 hung in Bridgewater, the belfry of Bridgeton's first courthouse away back in 1776 and on each Independence day after that until 1846 that same bell ran out. The courthouse was razed in that was moved to Fireman's year. hall and in 1854, was placed in the cupola of West Jersey academy, where it hung until that building was purchased by the Bridgeton board of education.

In 1926 first worthwhile recognition was given the old bell when it was displayed in Philadelphia. After the fair there was discussion and sentiment to make the bell an exhibit, but some members of the board objected and it returned the West Jersey belfry where it hung until that structure was razed during the past year. Joseph Powell has taken the lead in the campaign to have the old bell placed in the cupola of the new school and others are following his lead. There appears be considerable sentiment in favor of the plan. The suggestion has been contained in a letter to the board of education and it is expected the will act upon it at their next meeting.

Powell's suggestion came after it was decided to place the bell in a glass case in the corridor of the new school buildin. He objects to burying the bell "in a casket, stiffing its musical tones, which should remind children and all of our citizens of the greatest event in our nation." To Greet Larson The Cumberland county board of freeholders will be host to the State Board of Shell Fish commissioners and the State Board of Freeholders at the Cohanzick country club, Sept. 9. Roscoe Ward, Henry Maier and Frank Muta comprise the committee to arrange the affair. Visitors who will be present will include Governor Morgan Larson, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles Harold G.

Hoffman and Commissioner Ellis, of Institution and Agencies. To Build Pool Bridgeton will have a wading pool in Water Works park and it will be completed within 30 days. Contract has been let by the City Park commission and the job will cost $850. The Bonham Construction company will do the work. It will provide a place for the kids to splatter about in during the summer and in the winter it will be allowed to freeze for a skating rink.

Stranger Arrives The rain, which arrived Friday morning, made new men out of the farmers in this locality. It was a soaking, drenching rain and it did plenty of good, say the farmers in Cumberland county, who had not had such a wetting for the soil in many months. It was worth many thousands of dollars to them. Widow Of Civil War Vet Dies Suddenly In Resort OCEAN CITY-Mrs. Anna Eliza Garton, 82, of West formerly of 4924 N.

Broad Philadelphia, died suddenly at her home here, Friday, from a heart attack. She was the widow of David Garton, a Civil War veteran. Mrs. Garton is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lydia Murphy, 4924 N.

Broad Philadelphia, and Mrs. Catharine Wallace, 327 Central Park, New York. Funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs. Garton's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Garton, Lincoln Magnolia, N.

Tuesday. Services will be conducted by the Rev. Henry Sheip, formerly of Philadelphia. Interment will be made in Evergreen cemetery, between Philadelphia and and Magnolia. Mrs.

Garton had been a resident of Ocean City for only two weeks. having formerly made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Murphy, in Philadelphia. Mrs. Murphy is press correspondent for the daughters of the Union of Civil War Veterans, Philadelphia.

Scullville SCULLVILLE. Harriet Godfrey is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Godfrey. Louise Ingersoll, of Pleasantville, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs.

Lizzie Albertson. Mrs. Odessa Brickley is ill at her home. Mrs. Orum Lee called' on her daughter, Mrs.

George Smith, of English Creek, Thursday. Louise Bailey passed Wednesday in Ocean City. Mayetta MAYETTA--Local people who attended the Sunday school picnic at Ocean Gate Wednesday were: Mrs. Alfa Cranmer, Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey Cranmer, Melvin Cranmer, Florence Cranmer. Tess, Mr. and Mrs. Lamson, and Mrs. Sara, William Ward, Gus Potts, Mr.

and Mrs. Sworer Allen, Meritt Allen, Mrs. Ada Cranmer, Ashbrook Cranmer, Mrs. Minnie Cook. Laura Ford.

Granville Sprague, and Florence Knosp. MARKS BIRTHDAY Charles W. Wolf Jr. Son of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles W. Wolff of S. Loretta avenue, Belcoville, who recently, celebrated his fourth birthday anniversary Pl'ville Church Class To Stage Benefit Social PLEASANTVILLE. Future activities were planned at a meeting of the Philathea class of Salem M. E.

church, Thursday night, in the church social room. A peach will be held Thursday, Aug. 28, and a "bazaar of nations" will be held in September. "Old Home Week." to be held in the church during October, was discussed. The class will be responsible for one evening's entertainment.

Committee named by the president, Mrs. John Groff, is: Alberta Johnson, chairman; Mrs. Harry de Moya, Mrs. Lloyd Matthews, Mrs. G.

Everett Smith, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Milton Clark, Mrs. Russell Pickering, Abbie Leeds and Margaret Hagner. Those having birthdays in July contributing to the class fund were: Margaret Hagner, Edith Leeds, Mrs.

Howard Weeks and Emory Helfrich; for August, Mrs. Milton Clark and Mrs. Charles Antes. Sunshine bags were distributed to members during the next three montavings A moonlight sail will be sponsored soon in Atlantic City with Mrs. Emil Shappell and Mrs.

Charles Antes in charge. In the absence of the pastor, who is vacationing, the Sunday evening service will be in charge of the class, including readings and music. Mrs. Wilbur Bennett was accepted as a new member. Games and refreshments concluded the meeting.

Present were: Abbie Leeds, Edith Leeds, Alberta, Johnson, Margaret Hagner, Muskett, Florence Edwards, Mrs. Robert Breunig, Mrs. Claude James, Mrs. Horace Ingersoll, Mrs. John Aspinall, Mrs.

Viola Elliott, Mrs. Emil Shappell, Mrs. Lloyd Matthews, Mrs. Powell Hudson, Mrs. Wallace Adams, Mrs.

William H. Hoffman, Mrs. C. H. Dunk, Mrs.

Emory Helfrich, Mrs. Charles Antes, Mrs. Howard Weeks, Mrs. Broomall, Mrs. Nellie V.

Marshall, Mrs. Maud Sanders, Mrs. Thomas Muskett, Mrs. Frank Babco*ck, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs.

Thomas Hamm, Mrs. Russell Pickering, Mrs. G. Everett Smith, Mrs. Harry de Moya, Mrs.

Wilbur Bennett, Mrs. Earl Conrad, Mrs. WilJones, Mr. and E. Mrs.

Norton, Harry Mrs. Ott, Samuel Williams, Mrs. Mervin Craig, Mrs. Russell Pickering, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs.

Milton Clark, Mrs. Elwood Watt. Stone Harbor Selects Queen For Baby Parade STONE -Dorothy Mal19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lory, J.

F. Mallory, 504 Grove Noble, was selected Friday as queen of the annual Stone Harbor baby parade to be held on the Boardwalk here Saturday, Aug. 30. The selection was announced at the ball masque held under the auspices of. the We Young People's society.

The baby carnival, which promises to be the largest ever staged here, is being sponsored by the Women's Civic club and the borough. Cedar Run CEDAR -The Cedar Run M. E. church held their annual picnic, Wednesday, at Ocean Gate. Attending were: Mrs.

Ethel Mrs. Upton, Mrs. Sophie Cranmer, Jacob Peer, Mrs. Amy Beyy and son; Mrs. Katie Cranmer and son; John Buchholz, Charles Fauser, Kathryn Truex, Bill Hamilton and Ruth Albert Upton.

Harry Brander, of Egg Harbor, was a Wednesday caller in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peer are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a girl, born Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Hunt and son, of Ramsay, are visiting Mrs. Grace Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Foster have rented Mrs.

Laurence Cranmer's bungalow. Mr. and Mrs. De Paul have returned to their home in Brooklyn, after visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Yeagers. HOLD CARD TOURNEY OCEAN pinochle tournament was held at the club house of the Occan City fishing club, Friday night. Prizes were won by George Schecklin, Norman Morris, Dr. W. N.

Miller, George F. Bauer, John Cheredon, Edward Klein. Frank McGrath and Neil McMenamin. Millville Solons Would Establish New Building Code MILLVILLE This city may have a new building ordinance. Commissioner of Public Safety James Knowles was given authority to have a draft of the proposed ordinance drawn for examination by the commission at their weekly meeting, Friday afternoon.

The commission for the last 15 years have made attempts to adopt such an ordinance, and as Commisisoner Oliver stated at this week's meeting it will no no harm for the present administration to try. Ordinances have been prepared and advertised, but never adopted. The officials have always become "weak kneed" on the day set for the pasasge, it is said, and the city is now operating upon a measure that was enacted by city council more than half a century ago. The present commissioner of public safety, James Knowles, made the suggestion and the other commissioners agreed with him. City Solicitor Miller will prepare the document with the aid of City Engneer Wade.

Dr. Knowles also suggested that it might be well to have a zoning ordinance, but there was not any great amount of enthusiasm for that and it was not embodied in the motion. Mrs. Charles Englehart, of Cumberlan road, appeared at the meeting with a request that, if the Millville Electric Light company will not extend their electric lines to the locality in which she resides, the commssion ad the residents in their desire to allow the Atlantic Cty Electric company to provide them with current. She told the officials that the later company will furnish electric current, if permission is given them to cross over the line into Millvlle.

She was told that she wIl have to place that matter before the public utility commission. This is the third delegation that has made such requests during the last few weeks. The local company will not make extensions into the suburban area unless the prospective customers will post money to cover the cost of the extension. Watts Chance, who has been given instructions to girls and boys at the municipal playground and also life saving instructions to classes at the Unon Lake bathing beach, asked commission to supply and to pay the expense of playground equipment. The commission agreed to pay $20, but Commissioner Oliver feels that greater sums than that cannot be expended at this time.

The suggestion that the city build a swimming pool in the West Side park, made the officials gasp. The cost of such a pool would total thousands and with the tax rate the highest in the history of the city, they agreed there is not a chance of any such undertaking for several years, Honor Pl'ville Miss At Birthday Party PLEASANTVILLE A birthday party was given in honor of Ruth Unsworth at her home, on Greenway avenue, Pleasantville, Thursday. Games were played and refreshments served. Present were: Clara Childs, Betty Virginia Eccles, Ruth Unsworth, Emma Devendorf, Willard Unsworth, Betty Craig, John Dilworth, Harold Lawler, Warren Dilworth, Elva Dilworth, Mr. and Mrs.

E. Unsworth, George Dilworth, Mr. and Mrs. Lawher, Norma Eddy, Mrs. Clara Lilworth, George and Isaac Burroughs, Mrs.

Elizabeth Burrough, Blanche Teker, Mrs. Florence Childs, Eddie Teker, Mr. and William Yates, Arnold Teker, Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Unsworth, Leona Craig and Bessie Maddox.

Barnegat Girl Gives Pretty Farewell Party Kelly gave a farewell party to a few friends on Tuesday evening at her home on E. Bay street, before leaving for college. The night was spent in dancin, games and music. were: Ellie B. Cox, EliAttending, Virginia Bachman, Maude Gaskill, Jane Edmundson, Josephine Muller, Bertram Carter, William Gaskill, Gordon Cranmer, and Peter Edmundson.

More of Barnegat Mr. and Mrs. John T. Burton, of Moores, and Mr. and Mrs.

Daniel Susmond and daughter, Eliza- beth, of Atlantic City, were Wednesday callers of Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Hopper, of Center.

street. McKee City McKee City McKEE CITY- -At a card party sponsored by the grange and held at Grange hall, Wednesday night, Mrs. Thelma Vaughan, of Pleasantville, won the ladies' first prize; Joseph Renner, of McKee City, men's first, and Charles Maker, low prize. Mr. and Mrs.

Liggins, of Philadelphia, spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Symington, at their home on English Creek avenue. Mary Vaughan spent a few days last week with Ruth Heggan, daughter of the postmaster and station agent of McKee City. Pleasantville Terrace PLEASANTVILLE and Mrs.

Oliver Renninger entertained over the week-end. Mrs. Helen Kirfs and Raymond Horne. of Philadelphia. Mr.

and Mrs. William Nicholson entertained at a dinner. Monday. Mr. and Mrs.

William Buyseman and daughter, Christine, and Shirley, of Pleasantville: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Felix. of Absecon: Mr. and Mrs.

P. p*rn. of Miami, and Mrs. Ingram, of Overbrook. Henry Storck.

of W. Egg Harbor road. was an Atlantic City visitor, Wednesday. Sparks from the train set the grass on fire alone the Readins railroad above Fire road. Wednesday afternoon.

The fire was extinguished by the neighbors. Bridal Party Poses After Ceremony In Pl'Ville The bridal party at the marriage antville. Reading left to right, they 'Alcqua, Mrs. Francis DeSantio, Beach Party Held By Woman's Class Of N'field Church NORTHFIELD- -The annual beach party sponsored by the Ladies' Bible class of Northfield Community church, was well attended Thursday night. The gathering enjoyed a straw ride in two automobile trucks, over the new Margate-Northfield boulevard, to the foot of Brunswick Margate.

Swings and the playground was well patronized by the children. A large bonfire illuminated the beach and acorded the "weenie" roast and marshmallow toast. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Higbee Mr.

and Mrs. Mark Higbee Mrs. Ida Archer, Mrs. C. Bradford Riley, Mrs.

Mary Renear, Mrs. Charles Lyon, Mrs. Matthew Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Crosby, Mrs.

Gertha Campbell, Mrs. Warren Ryon, Mrs. Mary Lever, Mrs. Clarence Renear, Mrs. Hurley Lee, Mrs.

Stanley Lovett, Mrs. Frank Hutter, Mrs. Grover Hinmon. Sara Sutton, Jeanette Hinmon, Ada Burroughs, Lurena Lee, Elvenia Lee, Dorothy Abbott, Christine Gunning, Alice Casto, Florence Whitehead, Evelyn Sheppard, Henrietta Van Dyke, Dorothy Lovett, Emma Jane Van Dyke, Ruth Moyer, Doris Hutter, Dorothy Shappell, Ruth Ryon, Flora Ryon, Hannah Shappell, Evelyn Ryon, Violet Shappell, Kathryn Banning, Virginia Boyer, Evelyn Allen, Dorothy Campbell, Velma Campbell, Jesse Higbee, Edith Higbee, Louise May Renear, Ralph Campbell, Frank Hutter, Lambert Magee, Robert Hutter, Charles Magee, Joseph McFarland, Robert Abbott. Edward O'Donnell, Edward Somers, Floyd Gunning, Albert Barkoff Allison Hinmon, George Rae, Luke Crosby Glennon Lee, George Loder, Jacob Shilling, John Boles, Bruno Garr, William' Carr, Adolph Kreuts, Joseph Miller and Billy Stout.

More of Northfield Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyer and Mrs. John Mains, of this city, and Mrs. Eva Starn, of Atlantic City, returned to their homes Friday, after spending two weeks at Old Orchard, Me.

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Oxley are home after an extended trip in Pennsylvania. They reside on Zion road.

Mrs. Harry Gant and two children have been spending last week in Malaga. Mrs. John Gant, of Mill road, left Friday, and Mr. Gant Saturday, spend the week-end at their cottage in Malaga.

The party will return home tonight. Betty Mullen, of Fifield avenue, and Wilson Brey, of Pleasantville, are guests of Mr. Brey's parents in Allentown, over the week-end. Mrs. Ida Archer, of Long Branch, is visiting her daughter and son-inlaw, Councilman and Mrs.

Charles Patterson, of Jackson avenue. BARGAINTOWN-First and second degree of the local grane were recently conferred upon Grace and Matilda Tortoro and Theresa Mesiano. Charles Betts received third and fourth degrees. Others present were Mr. and Mrs.

Orum Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reinheimer, Mr. and Mrs. John Gant, Mr.

and Mrs. David Caywood, Mrs. William Schaefer, Mrs. Ina Smith, Mrs. Lillian Colburn, W.

J. Gordon, Charles F. Stuber, H. A. Brower, Samuel Mesiano, Oride Schaefer, William Pagano, Charles Canale, Lena May, Josephine May, Margaret May, Grace Mesiano.

Mary L. Alston, R. teacher of child hygiene from the state department of health, will conduct a "Baby keep well clinic" at the Bargaintown Grange hall, Tuesday, for babies from one month to pre-school age. Mrs. Isaiah Williams.

Mrs. John Gant, Mrs. William Schaufler were a committee for the ladies' aid society of the Zion M. E. church, Thursday night, in the social hall and served their regular supper to 60 persons.

An outing to Grenlock Park was discussed. Mrs. Russell Brown. Mrs. Francis Sutton and Mrs.

Walter Collins will be the committee for September 4. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reinheimer, and Mrs. George A.

Ireland, Ethel Mae Ireland, George S. Reinheimer, Rose Webb, Ruth Cullen, Helen Banning, Ethel Banning, Gladys and Emily Price were some of the local folks who attended the Firemen's Carnival at Cardiff last week. Committee Asked To Pave Street In Landis Township VINELAND. New Pear street residents demanding action of the Landis township committee about the improvement of their street. At the last committee meeting 37 appeared and requested that the street be paved from the borough line to Valley avenue.

They also requested the extension of the water mains and the installation of fire hydrants, claiming that the improvement will substantially reduce insurance rates. They asserted they will be glad to pay for the curbing of the street themselves. The committee tried to tell the delegation that the county engineer had been trying to find the grade of the streets and that this was what is really holding up the operation. Road Supervisor Isaac Clark stated that the grade must be found before anything can be done, but a lost street grade appears like just another excuse, say the New Pear street residents, and Frank Reuss, a resident, declared that something should be done immediately. He described street as a disgrace to the township and Harold Rasmussen.

another resident, agreed with him. The delegation demanded that the township committee obtain a report from the county engineer relative to progress during the last month and Jack Thornborrow, who has been named chairman of the committee during the absence of L. A. McElroy, who is on his vacation. assured the committee of citizens that something will certainly be done.

Board Meets At the meeting of the Vineland board of education, announcement was made that all teachers had been employed and the are ready for the opening of school, September 2. Announcement was made by F. C. Carter, of the dental committee, that Dr. Louis Kotok had been employed a as the school dentist and that he will conduct dental clinics five mornings a week at $10 a morning.

Mrs. Joseph Morris, of the teachers' committee, reported that Miss Penton, of the Central school, had resigned and that Miss Poole, of the South Vineland school, had been transferred to her position, Miss Poole's position being filled by Miss Irma Marsh, recently graduated from Glassboro Normal school. The position at the Cooper's Mill school be filled by Miss Laura Piccione. In the place of Miss Grace Kissam, French teacher at the high school, who has resigned, Miss Dorothy Kline has been named and Miss Craig, who has been in ill health, has been granted a leave of absence until the first of the year. Miss Wade, a substitute teacher being selected to fill her place.

Plan Benefit Party For Shrine Hospital OCEAN CITY. card party for the benefit of the Philadelphia unit of the Shriners' hospital for crippled children will be held at the Brighton hotel, Tuesday, Aug. 26, at 2 p. m. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs.

William F. Cline, 800 Park who is chariman of the committee arranging for the affair. A number of handsome prizes have been donated. The event is being sponsored by the ladies' auxiliary of the LuLu patrol, Philadelphia, of which Mrs. Cline is vice-president.

She is the wife of William F. Cline, president of the Anglers' Club, of Ocean City. A number of the club's members belong to the LuLu patrol. Northfield J. Frank, of Northfield plaza, is entertaining his niece, Mrs.

Hazel Kopp and daughter, Gretchen, of Baltimore, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams, of Mt. Vernon avenue, had as recent guests, Mr.

and Mrs. William H. Gilbert, of Pleasantville. Mrs. Preston B.

Adams returned to her Shore road home, Thursday, after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Gaskill, of Bridgeton. Wednesday, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Gaskill, Mrs.

John Riggins and Betty Gaskill, of Bridgeton, motored to New Lisbon, to visit Mrs. Adams' daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Riggins, who recently moved from Bridgeton. Mrs.

Helen Smith, of Shore road and Virginia avenue, plans to leave Monday to visit relatives in WilkesBarre, Pa. Mrs. Lynn Ledden, of Franklin avenue, has as guest for a few days, her aunt, Mrs. Emma Lamson, of Barnegat. Mrs.

George W. Carson, of Shore road, has been entertaining, this week, her sister, W. Craig, of Washington Court House, O. Mrs. Craig left to spend a few days with Mrs.

Carson's daughter, Mrs. Victor S. Fisher, of Ventnor, Parkertown -The Rev. E. M.

Stoeffer and daughter. Florence, of West Creek. were Tuesday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Cummings.

Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Parker, and Mr. and Mrs. M.

F. Parker. Mrs. Aimee M. Parker has returned home after spending three weeks in Camden at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

Charles Mathis. Mrs. S. D. Parker spent Tuesday in Toms River at the home of her son, Laurence.

S. Parker entertained Sunday his children, Mrs. Alva Magee and son, Billy; Ida Parker, Charles Halliwell, and Helen Pollick, all of Camden. TETA PSI CLUB MEETS PLEASANTVILLE At a meeting of the Lambda Theta Psi club, Mt. Pleasant M.

P. church, on Thursday night, held with Ruth Gaskill, of Thompson avenue, a motion was carried to contribute $10 to official board of the for the budget fund. Those attending were: Mrs. Mary Ortendahl, Helena Sanders, Laura Krewson, June Zane, Helen Burroughs and Aneita Hires. FETES FRIENDS Arthur Edward Steelman Two-year-old son of Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Steelman, Connecticut avenue, Somers Point, who entertained a group of friends at a party at his home recently. Point WomanHolds Benefit Party For Catholic Chapel SOMERS POINT--Mrs. Margaret Boyle, of the Waverly hotel, entertained at a card party and dance to benefit St. Joseph's chapel, Friday night.

Peggy Kiely won the door prize. The Rev. Thomas F. Blake. of Ocean City, and Piermaster William Miller, of the Point, each won a large white duck, presented by Councilman Frank De Feo.

Mrs. Catherine Rienecker, of Philadelphia, summer resident, held the lucky number for the box of perfume, presented by C. William Kendall, of Maplewood, a summer resident. Dancing was enjoyed to orchestral music and refreshments were served. The committee included: Mrs.

Margaret Boyle, Mrs. William Simon, Mrs. Sadie Simon Mrs. Vivian Kaiser, of New City; Mrs. M.

Simpson, Mary White. Mrs. Agnes Reed, Mrs. John McCue, Mrs. Joseph Coogan, of Philadelphia; Mrs.

Alexander Saburn. Attending were: The Rev. Thomas F. Blake, Mrs. E.

J. Cooke, Mrs. L. Stedem, Mrs. Lawrence Bradnigan, Margaret Yellend, Hart, Mrs.

Joh: Higgins, Margateu Higgins, Dorothy Bauder, Helen Bauder, Mrs. Mina Richardson, Mrs. Alexander Saburn, Mrs. Marie Frech, Ruth D. Swift, J.

Bradley, Mary Meskers, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hart, Mr.

and Mrs Francis Steelman, Somers Sterlman, Mr. and Mrs. James West, Matilda Brockhoff, Christine Moran. Trinia Goni, Mrs. Celia Char pion Mrs.

Kathryn Ford, Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick, William F. Ash, Mrs. Helen V. Hassinger, Mrs.

Margaret Oerter, M. A. Byrne, Mrs. Anne Rooney. Margaret Wright, Mrs.

Sarah Gallagher, Mrs. M. Kirkitan, Mrs. John Bonner, Mary Bonner, Peggy Piely, Barbara Bonner, Mrs. Stimpson, Mary Fisher, Mae R.

English, Francis Collinsky, Mrs. J. Loyola Byrne, Mary Logan, Bepps Campbell, Mrs. Vivian Kaiser, Mary Cless, Mrs. Joseph Cogan, Mrs.

Jeanette Young, Catherine Bowman, Mrs. Margaret Haire, Mrs. George Volz, Mrs. Julia Bissman, Mrs. C.

Schmidt, Mrs. Mary Strauss, Mrs. Magdelena Spits, John Spits, Anna Spits, Mr. and James Arpino, Mrs. C.

Divine, Mrs. George Knapp, George Knapp, Mrs. Daniel Steelman, Mrs. George Oliver, Mrs. C.

Campbell, Mrs. George Perkins, Mrs. J. Hold, Ethel Young, Samuel McDowell, S. Lashowski, Edward Kolb.

Estelle Lawson, Mrs. D. Laskowski, Mrs. Joseph Meyers, Edward Leach, George Vola, West, Catharine Kealy, Mr. and Mrs.

Gerld. Sarah Letts, Mrs. William Franz, Rose Grace Snehise, Mis. B. Smith, Mrs.

Francis Cook, Oswald Holland, Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. Samuel Coles, Alice Howell, Mart.n, Cecelia Anderson, Mrs. Alice Henderson, Gertrude Matthews, Mrs. James Martin, Mr.

and Mrs. jchl Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Alice Sloan and Mr. and Mrs.

William Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. James Nevins. More of the Point Members of the Somers Point Republican league motored to Sea Girt, Thursday, to enjoy Governor's day. Attending were: Lewis B.

Mathias, George Volz, Frank Gilvey, George Frank De Feo, John D. Haines, James Monaghan, Harry Krenz, Frank midt, John Warren, John Leach, 1.3023 Strauss, Kathryn Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyers, Charles Pearson, R. H.

Benner, Adolf Walde, John Yarrington, James E. Scull, Samuel Latta, Matthew Clark and Mrs. Hulda Leonard. Those from the Point attending the card party, sponsored by the Women's auxiliary to the Atlantic Shores hospital, held Thursday at the Flanders hotel, Ocean City, included: Mrs. Lewis B.

Mathias, Mrs. Martin V. Scull, Mrs. Mary Hermany, Mrs. A.

J. Mann, Mrs. George Middleton, and Helen and Dorothy Bauder. Mrs. John Dean and Charles Ranchler presented huge baskets of flowers.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Steelman, of Gibbs avenue, have left for a motor trip to Indiana. They have rented their home on Gibbs avenue for the remainder of the season NEW UNDERTAKER OCEAN CITY Augustus Jones Smith, 1419 Pleasure received notice from the New Jersey Board of Embalming and Undertaking examiners that he successfully passed the board's examination, which he took at several weeks ago. "Gus" known Trenton, to his host of friends is a graduate of the Ocean City high school and Eckels College of Embalming, Philadelphia.

Two Bathers Saved In Surf At Resort; Ban Ball Playing OCEAN rescues occurred on the Tenth Street beach, Saturday, both cases being caused from of cramps. Yolanda de Berardines, 930 Simpson was rescued by Guards Clayton" and Fitzgerald. She was given first aid treatment at the emergency hospital and discharged. Vitus Di Meglio, 1012 Simpson also was rescued later by Clayton and Fitzgerald, and also treated at the tent hospital. Elinor Minogue, 20, of 805 Plymouth and 1713 Butler Philadelphia, applied at the hespital tent for treatment of an infected foot.

and was taken to the office of Dr. Willits P. Haines, beach surgeon, in the city ambulance by Fred Taccarino, driver. Afterward she was taken to her home. A fish hook was removed from the hand of Mrs.

Rose Starch, 3317 Haven by Dr. Devine. The accident occurred while Mrs. Starch was fishing in the bay. In pursuance of the beach patrol's safety campaign Fred Taccarino, ambulance driver, confiscated a foot ball from John E.

Dickens, 1434 Pleasure when he was found playing with it on the beach. Captain Jack Jernee has issued a number of warnings against ball playing on protected beaches, and announced after the incident had occurred that two balls have been confiscated this week. He added that gridiron stars will have to find some other place to train besides bathing beaches. of Miss Rose Pearl to Placida Alcqua are: Miss Julia Russo, Miss Helen Miss Mary DePhilipo Miss Helen (Phiti by Burdette Field) at St. Peters Catholic church, PleasMastro, Miss Anna Ordille, Mrs.

Rose McGrath and Miss Bernice Allen. Tree Sitter Completes 600th Hour Today In Pleasantville PLEASANTVILLE-It is believed that Bertram E. Waters, 15, has established a record of tree-sitters in this district. If Bertram remains in the wild cherry tree on the grounds of his parents home, on E. Walnut avenue, until 3 p.m., today, he will have covered a period of 600 hours.

As far as young Waters is concerned he intends to remain aloft until that time and add several more hours to the endurance before he comes down to earth. He may ciaim the national record which is a little more than 700 hours. All other local lads who had treesitting craze have descended for more comfortable quarters in their home leaving the record to Bertram. Waters claims he is quite comfortable and well satisfied in his tree quarters. According to his Former PI'ville Pastor To Occupy Pulpit Today PLEASANTVILLE.

The Rev. H. E. Jones, of Milford, a former pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will occupy the pulpit at this morn-, ing's service, in the absence of the pastor. The evening service will be in charge of the Christian Endeavor society.

Rev. Samuel H. Rickard, returned missionary from India, will preach at the First Baptist church, both services. At Salem M. E.

church the Rev. Samuel Bawden, who has returned here from India, will be the speaker at the morning service. The Rev. Mr. Bawden has been engaged in doing missionary work among Hindus for some time, under the direction of the Baptist board of missions.

The evening service will be under the direction of the Philathea class. Arrest Millville Man On Drunk Driver Charge MILLVILLE-Arthur Gregowsky, 34, of McNeal street, was arrested by Officer Wolverton at High and Broad streets, Friday afternoon, on a charge of driving while drunk. He was examined by City Physician Howard Branin, who pronounced him drunk and he was committed to jail. He will be given a hearing before Mayor Harry Jones. The arrest came after Gregowsky crashed into the rear of an automobile driven by James Hoffman, of West Main street.

Parkertown PARKERTOWN. Mr. and Mrs. Millard F. Parker spent Friday afternoon in Beach Haven.

Mrs. Claude Jameson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown attended the installation of Camp No. 62, at Egg Harbor City, Wednesday.

Captain and Mrs. Brown, of Beach Haven, were Thursday callers at the home of Mrs. Alex Parker. Word was received here by Mrs. Elizabeth Parker that her brother, Frank Brown, of New York, had been killed in an automobile accident.

A. L. Parker spent Wednesday in Philadelphia. Mrs. Doris Morey and son, Everett, and Jaul Frammer, of Tuckerton, were Thursday callers at the home of her mother, Mrs.

S. D. Parker. Mrs. Millard F.

Parker, Mrs. William Hayes, and Mrs. Amanda Kelly of West Creek, spent Thursday in Barnegat at the home of Mrs. Phoebe Birdsall. Mrs.

Lester Mott and daughter, Patricia, of High Point, are spending two weeks with her cousin, Emogene Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. Norris L. Parker and daughter, Martha, motored to Delaware Water Gap last week with Mr.

and Mrs. John Parker and Irving Parker, of Atlantic City. GET SHARK CATCH OCEAN CITY-Norman Morris, president of the Manufacturers' club, Philadelphia, and a member of the Ocean City Fishing club, while entertaining a Washington friend at his summer home here, made a fishing trip to Reeds Beach Friday. The party caught several large sharks, the largest measuring over six feet. parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Nicholas J. Waters, he is eating and sleeping well and apparently, gaining in weight. His Bertram used to be afraid in the dark, but it is evident he has lost all fear in such childish notions. The first storm that took after Bertram went aloft on 23, his mother went place, downstairs to coax her son out of the tree, but he did not respond to the summons.

He named himself the "Lone Star" when he decided to become a tree-sitter. His ground crew which has proved most faithful now consists of his twin brother, Robert; his sister, Eleanor, and his brother, Nicholas J. Waters, five, who insists on waiting on Bertram, and Doris Holston, of Frankford, now taking the place of her sister, Eleanor, who left this week for home. Private Sleuth Nabbed By Ocean City Police OCEAN CITY-A. Lincoln lard, 65, of the Millard Detective agency, with offices and residence at 4810 Central was arrested by Detective Captain Lackey on complaint of Mrs.

Anna E. Bruce, Saturday. Millard is charged with representing himself as a state police detective. He was released on $500 bail for an appearance police court. Millard has conducted the detective agency here for a number of years, originally comign from Philadelphia.

Edith Wood, 17, of 49 Morningside was arersted by Lieutenant Burman and Patrolman Ewing on a charge of violating the stop street ordinance. She will be given a hearing, Monday. Cape May County Swept By Freak Hail Storm CAPE damaged crops in this section Saturday during a freak electrical storm that lasted less than an hour. The hail. which fell heaviest in the farming section near here, was ankle-deep after the storm, and five hours later was still an inch deep in some of the fields and roads.

No one was reported injured. Forked River FORKED RIVER-Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, of Philadelphia, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Vaughn. Theodore Bullenger, 77, of New York, now a resident of Forked River, died last week. Beside his widow he is survived by six sons. Interment was held at Good Luck cemetery Wednesday afternoon with services by the Rev. N.

D. Askenwall. Mrs. Ida Stevenson Helen Sprague have returned home to Jersey City after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs.

George Frazee. Mrs. Frank Hindershot and family have returned home to Rockway after spending their vacation with her mother, Mrs. Carrie Frazee. Hilda Nankville has purchased new sedan.

John Lewis also has a new car. Lloyd Smires has taken a position at Beach Haven. Joseph Smires is ill at his home. Mrs. Charles Engel has been entertaining her mother from 1 Massachusetts for a week.

Mrs. Theodore Bennett, of Long Branch, and Mrs. Mason. of Lanoka Harbor, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Frank Penn for a few days.

Mrs. Abbie Miller, of Island Heights, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Maggie Parker. Cardiff CARDIFF- the home of generations George were N. Plant when a party was given in honor of his 81st birthday last week.

Attending were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Klinger, George N.

Klinger, Mrs. Elizabeth Garrity, and Mrs. Agnes McKnight, of Philadelphia; Andrew MoKnight, Elizabeth Garrity and William Klinger Jr. Linwood Women Stage Party For Lodge Benefit LINWOOD. Elsie Stuber and Mrs.

Mark Kears entertained at a card party at Miss Stuber's home on Poplar avenue, Thursday night, for the benefit of Crescent lodge of Rebekah, of Pleasantville. Prizes for score were awarded at each table. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bowen, Mr.

and Mrs. E. W. Oliver, Mrs. William Shuman, Mrs.

Anna Geary, Mrs. Albert Tressider, Mrs. Clarence Naylor, Mrs. Milton C. Band, Mrs.

Amos Helms, Mrs. E. Garfield Roser, Mrs. James Porteus, Mrs. William Thudium, Mrs.

Guy Wilson, Mrs. Mina Burroughs, Mrs. B. Hardwick, Mrs. Piper, Mrs.

Mary Peckman, Jeanette Arthur, A. Stadlemier, Edith J. Pomelear, Katherine H. Steelman, Betty Shuman, Mary Hickman, and Ina Clark. Beach Party Planned Members of Silver Moon council.

Degree of Pocahontas, completed plans for a beach party at a regular meeting in Mechanics' hall, Elm avenue, Friday night. The party will be held Friday, August 22 at 29th street, Ocean City. Tickets are being sold and the proceeds will benefit the council. All desiring to attend are to meet on the beach at Ocean City. Present at the meeting were: Mrs.

Stanley Wheiland, Mrs. Florence James, Mrs. John Pedrick. Mrs. Elizabeth Atkinson, Mrs.

Florence Schlachter, Mrs. Charles Neil, Mrs. Jerry Robinson, Mrs. Sallie Keeler, and Hulda Lawrence. In Linwood Homes Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Wood, of Trenton, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirklyn avenue, have left to attend a family reunion at Atco, before their return to their home in Trenton. Mabel E.

Adams, of Shore road. is entertaining at dinner today, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hartman, of Washington; Margaret Roxby, Anna E.

Roxby, Robert Roxby, of Swarthmore, A and Elizabeth Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hartman, of Washington, are spending two vacation with Elizabeth Mitchell, of Maple avenue.

Mrs. Compton, of Kirklyn avenue, is spending the week-end visiting friends in Bridgeton. Members of the Lion patrol, Boy Scout troop No. 1, held a pie and cake sale on Shore road, Saturday. The money received is to be used for the uniform fund.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Armstrong, of Collingswood, are spending a month with Mrs. Armstrong's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Alonzo Van Sant, of Shore road. Mr. and Mrs. William Lear, of West avenue, entertained Bessie Somers, of Dennisville, for a few days. Belleplain BELLEPLAIN-The Rev.

Joseph Simpson, of Eldora, called on several friends in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hess and daughter, Virginia, spent Wednesday at Woodbine. Mrs.

Edward Hoffman entertained Wednesday Mrs. Frank Schultz and Mrs. Viola Abbott, of Millville. Geraldine Abbott, of Millville, called on Glendna Mason Wednesday. Marion Warwick.

of Delmont, called on Glendna Mason, Wednesday. Daniel Corson, of Delmont, was among those seen in town Thursday. William Schenck, of Vineland. called on Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Harris Wednesday. Mr. Mrs. Harry Moore, of Dennisville, called on the former': brother, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Moore, Wednesday. Mr. Mrs. R. B.

Hess and daughter, Mrs. Lester Riggins, were Tuckahoe visitors Wednesday, AKRON MACK ILL PLEASANTVILLE. -Akron Mack, of Glendale avenue, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W.

Mack, was stricken with an attack of appendicitis Friday. It has not been determined by his attending physician if it will be necessary for an operation. Mack graduated from the Pleasantville High school in June. His mother is visiting in Pittsburgh, and has been notified of her son's illness, 8.

Press of Atlantic City from Atlantic City, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.