The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (2024)

If you look for a fresh and well-working base layout for your Builder Hall 10 base you’re in the perfect place.

I do frequently test, build and review base layouts for Builder Hall 10 and give them here ready for you so you can directly copy them without testing or building them yourself.

I really hate those sites or videos showing you dozens of bases they copied somewhere without making any deeper explanation why they work so for this reason you will only find bases here that I have tested myself.

Bases here are updated monthly so check back here to get the latest base layouts.

Best BH10 Base Designs

NEW: here are the Town Hall 16 base layouts!

Are you also running accounts with other Builder Hall levels? Great, you can check out my Builder Base 8 layouts here, the Builder Base 7 ones are here and here are the Builder Base 6 layouts.

Also, I update my Town Hall layouts every 2 weeks (War, Trophy and Farming) – so, if you’re in need of a fresh design for them as well check out my TH15 bases here, the TH14 bases here, the TH13 bases here, find the TH12 bases here, my TH11 bases here and here are the TH10 bases.

Without wasting any more time, here are the bases:

PRO Bases

PRO Bases are exclusive for our Patreon Supporters for the first 30 days before they become Public. Support us on Patreon to use the bases before everyone else and gain a big advantage.

The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (1)

BH10 Base (Pro)


The PRO Bases are exclsuive for our Patreon Supporters for the first 30 days. Gain an advantage by supporting us on Patreon to use this base before it will be become free and popular and players start developing strategies against it..

Base Description:This months Builder Hall 10 is designed to be balanced and not just focused on a specific type of attack. This layout aims to mainly defend spam and easy-to-execute strategies. The Stage 1 layout has a central compartment with dead zones (no building spaces inside the base), with 2 large compartments around it and a small island Its only one value for wallbreakers but in a position hard to get into the base and high damage, not a good spot for archers as well. The Stage 2 layout has a centralized and protected Builder Hall, well-distributed defenses and despite its value for wallbreakers, it should not be enough due to many land defenses. I also recommend that you move both bases around a bit to make them a little harder to recognize for the best effect.

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (2)

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (3)

Custom Base

I will design a custom base for you that will fit your account and your needs - custom bases are by far the strongest and most durable bases you can use if you want to play at the top of the ranks or if your base is not maxed..

How does it work?:After you signed up for the Custom Base Tier on Patreon I will contact you and ask for the details of your base. After that, I will design your base and test it in real defenses and finetune it (takes a few days) and once I am happy with the performance, I will send you your private custom base copy link on Patreon.

Limited Spots:Designing a custom base takes time as I always have to test it with my accounts in real defenses, so there are limited spots available and sign up will be closed when the spots are filled. Right now there are a few spots open.

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FREE Bases

After 30 days the PRO Bases will become public and you can use them. Please mind, the bases get popular quite quickly so people start developing strategies against it. If you support us on Patreon you can use the bases 30 days without minding them getting burned.

The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (4)

BH10 Base (07/2024)

BH10 Base for 07/2024 - This BH10 Trophy Push base aims to be as balanced as possible for the meta's attack variations. Stage 1 is a wide layout with two strong sides and a center with some dead zone (unbuilt area) and not a good value for wallbreakers. Stage 2 is where things gets saucy with a very fun base style, the 3 compartments, like in the Stage 1 layout, is not built with a focus on any specific strategy, it is important that your second layout is also a consistent layout against many variations and the one formed in 3comp is very good for this. Also feel free to rotate or move the layouts around to make it even harder for attackers to recognize this base..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (5)

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (6)

BH10 Base (06/2024)

Here is the new BH10 push base for June 2024. Both stages have a 3-compartment format, the first has as main defense feature some dead zones (spaces inside the base to make troops pathing irregular) within the layout to disrupt the troop pathing which are mainly spams strategies that are easily to execute for the mst part. Do not change the XBow mode! I got several messages in the past month that my bases don't work and it turns out the people changed the XBow mode! If you would do that, the base will be weak against air attacks! The second stage has a pretty standard format, very consistent in several defensive aspects, well balanced and will handle most of the variations it has to deal with at this point, as the first stage layout does not have a specific strategy focused on defending or baiting. If you want to switch it up you can move both stages around a bit..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (7)

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (8)

BH10 Base (05/2024)

BH10 Base for 05/2024 - The Stage 1 layout has a box format, with a combination of a lot of ground force with 2 Crushers + Lava Launchers opposite of the (air-mode) XBow. It has a good setup of deadzones (space inside the base without buildings to make troops pathing irregular and harder to predict for the attacker) with strong sides, it holds up well against Baby Dragons, Hog Riders and ground spams. I built the 2nd Stage layout to be balanced, using a 3-compartment format, having to be very consistent against most possible variations in second attack, with the Builder Hall well-protected by strong defenses as well. Both bases can be centralized if you want to switch it up a bit..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (10)

BH10 Base (04/2024)

BH10 Base for 04/2024 - This BH10 base is built with the intention of defending the most varied strategies used to push trophies. The 1st Stage layout has a peculiar format, with many dead zones (areas within the layout with spaces without buildings, to hinder troop pathing), strong sides to funnel which can confuse and harm the opponent. With the format of 2 crushers with xbow at the bottom, completely opposite the strongest part of the layout that contains many important defenses, due to its shape the base tends to perform well against aerial attacks even without bombs. Its 2nd Stage layout is a 3-bay format, to be solid against any variation, having BH fully centralized, the base tends to be good against many remaining troop variations. Both bases can be centralized if you wish to switch it up a little..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (12)

BH10 Base (03/2024)

This BH10 base is built with a focus on strategies used to push trophies, especially those with greater performance and good sucess rate. The first base focuses on minimizing the value for archers in the strongest defenses and creating bad paths for troops, whether for lateral funneling or inside the base, containing a lot of deadzones (the concept of free spaces between defenses inside the base to make troops pathing inconsistent). 2nd base aims only to absorb what remains of the first attack, as there are not one or two strategies focused on the first base, this one is well balanced, to defend any type of troops that remain. Both bases can be centralized in the map as well if you want to alter them a bit..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (14)

BH10 Base (02/2024)

BH10 Base for 02/2024 - Base built focused on most used strategies to push on BH10, mainly the famous spam strats like mass PEKKA and Baby Dragons. The 2-compartments-style use the Builder Hall in the middle with Mega Teslas and Crusher, also a small island to nerf troops pathing, not good for air and ground either, several strong defenses in the first one due archers and cannon funneling value. Do not swap xbow mode to ground! Air mode is really needed here. The 2nd base is a 4-compartments default base, the first base is not focused on air or ground specially so the second one i built a solid 4 compartments base to deal with both possibilities..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (15)

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (16)

BH10 Base (01/2024)

BH10 Base for 01/2024 - This Builder Hall 10 base was build to make troops pathing confused, due the high number of deadzones (no buildings spots) inside it. Focused on most used and easily execution push troops at BH, as mass pekkas and babies. Not a great value for wallbreakers and really bad pathing for ground troops without wall breakers too. Do not swap xbow mode, the base dont need more ground defenses. Due being too spacious to disrupt two of the most devastating meta strats, there could be a value for archers if well executed so Second base is a symmetrical base, to nerf ground troops pathing as well and not be easy to two stars..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (17)

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (18)

BH10 Base (12/2023)

BH10 Push base based on a big central compartment with two defenses island around it to force opponent use two wall breakers or try another hard strategy to be consistent against it. Two crushers really needed plus some giant bombs, because of one more wall breaker the attacker wont have many tanks like pekkas and giants, that can be a big problem to him. Do not swap xbow to ground mode, thats crucial to nerf babies strategies. Second base based on 3 compartments layout to be solid against ground and air rest of the troops. Not hard to take the second BH but hard to triple it and even 2 stars if not 100% hp hero sometimes. Hope enjoy it..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (19)

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (20)

BH10 Base (11/2023)

BH10 Base for 11/2023 - STAGE 1: Balanced base to defend both air and ground. For ground troops, objective is to force them into crushers and mega tesla combo. No wall breaker ability value. Corners covered with long range defenses for canon carts except the 9 oclock which is baited with push traps. Air traps for baby dragons and Air xbow also for air hero and baby dragons.
STAGE 2: A toxic core design base to make sure ground troops suffer in core when going through the zappies and alot of point defenses. Air traps and teslas for baby dragons and Hogs. Air defenses and Air bomb very hard to reach. Spring traps for sneakybarcher snipes.

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (22)

BH10 Base (10/2023)

BH10 Base for 10/2023 - Stage 1: 6 o'clock building forcing attacker to drop troops or their ground hero which then leads to them going into the side hallway and get into crusher. 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock entrances also forcing ground troops into crushers. Core mega tesla will be super tough to reach and meanwhile rain down damage on air and ground troops. Same way as xbow on air, deadly for air hero and baby dragons attackers. Air traps for baby dragons and drop ships. Long range defenses covering all corners for canon cart drops except 1 side which is fully baited with push traps. 3 air defenses covering almost all the base and they are protected by other defenses nicely.
Stage 2: A base that doesn't give wall breaker ability value. Core post guard to defend and keep troops inside the core for longer so they take more damage. Tesla farm on the Otto hut so if attacker starts their attack there, they would lose alot of troops entering the base and also if attacker finish their attack there, it's going to be a super tough finish with zappies also helping out the teslas from the back. Air defenses and Air bomb covering Most of the base and tough to reach early. Spring traps for sneaky archers. Air traps for baby dragons and Air hero..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (24)

BH10 Base (09/2023)

BH10 Base for 09/2023 - Balanced balance with an Anti-PEKKA design due to multiple compartments and dual Crushers. Mines are all set to air to defend Baby Dragon spam attacks. Centered Lava Launcher makes Cannon Cart attacks quite difficult in the first stage and Push Traps are placed to defend carts and bomber entry points for PEKKA attacks.
Important side note: the main weakness of this base are electrofire wizard attacks, but these attacks are quite rare. A wizard placed on the south side onto the crusher can get good value if the lava launcher is distracted, but throughout all my testing no one tried this strategy but if you see this attack picking up more and more when using this base, please adjust the traps. There’s plenty of room on the base in both stage 1 & 2 to adjust traps as needed depending on what attacks you defend the most..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (26)

BH10 Base (08/2023)

BH10 Base for 08/2023 - Base will perform good against current meta for both air and ground strategies..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (28)

BH10 Base (07/2023)

Amazing against all meta ground strategies due to the highly trapped core. Great against hogs with the air traps set. Can defend baby dragons well if maxed. New bases are exclusive on Patreon for the first 30 days, unlock your Early Access below..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (29)

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (30)

BH10 Base (JUN 2023)

BH10 Base for JUN 2023 - Amazing against all meta ground strategies due to the highly trapped core. Great against hogs with the air traps set. Can defend baby dragons well if maxed..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (32)

BH10 Base (MAY 2023)

BH10 Base for MAY 2023 - STAGE 1: A balanced design meaning traps and defenses on both stages are made for both air and ground. Push traps for canon carts and Air traps for baby drags. Corners covered with long range defenses and in the core there is Air xbow just because the current meta of mass baby drags. 2 crushers on entrances to the core and defenses around the core protected by walls. STAGE 2: Similar to stage 1, balance of defenses for both Air and ground, teslas for canon carts and baby drags also for pathing mistakes. Long range defenses on corners to cover the most ground for canon carts. Separate compartments which is Anti Pekka and giants. Spring traps for sneaky archers..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (33)

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (34)

BH10 Base (LAUNCH1)

BH10 Base for LAUNCH1 - Another version I have been testing with more BH10 experience and I think you will like this one, too.

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (36)

BH10 Base (LAUNCH2)

BH10 Base for LAUNCH2 - I have tested even more and this is a new base I can recommend you.

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (38)

BH10 Base (LAUNCH3)

BH10 Base for LAUNCH3 - This is my improved version after testing yout the base for a longer time now. This base is a nice and solid one to use after the launch of BH10..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (40)

Farming Base (LAUNCH4)

Farming Base for LAUNCH4 - Here's my first attempt for a base for the launch of Builder Base 10 so you have a base - please mind to check back here in the next 24 hours as I will constantly refine this base to make it better..

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (41)

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Enjoy the bases and always remember, defense is half of your success here and the more maxed you are, the better the bases will work. If you’re not a maxed Builder Hall 10 and still want to suceed, consider getting a custom base from me that works with your defense levels.

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The Best BH10 Base Layouts (August 2024) for Builder Hall 10 - AllClash (2024)


Is Builder Hall worth rushing? ›

In fact, rushing benefits all three methods of gaining loot. Higher trophies grants larger win bonuses, higher BH level unlocks higher level collectors which grants more loot, and runes are more effective with a larger storage, which is only available at higher BH levels.

What is the builder base for COC? ›

Builder Base is your home away from home, complete with its own upgradable Builder Hall. Here, you'll meet the legendary Master Builder, he'll show you the ropes. Much like in Home Village, you can place Buildings, train Troops, collect Resources, and even take part in unique Builder Battles.

How do I upgrade my Builder Hall? ›

You must place all buildings available from the current Builder Hall level before you are able to upgrade the Builder Hall. Exceptions to this rule are the Gem Mine, Clock Tower, and Battle Machine, for which repairing is optional.

How do I get more gold in Builder Hall? ›

Attacking another Builder Base is how you will earn Builder Gold, while defending against attacks will earn you Builder Elixir. This means it is not only important to build and upgrade your offensive capabilities, but also creating a strong defense is equally as rewarding!

Do walls matter in a builder hall? ›

It is unnecessary to protect resource buildings with Walls since they are used to absorb damage, and it is not possible to lose resources from versus battles. Protecting them, however, can still force the opponent to break through them and stall their progress.

Is it bad to upgrade town hall too fast? ›

Keep in mind that if you rush too quickly without having a number of core upgrades completed (such as farming troops and spells unlocked/upgraded, army camps upgraded and basic hero levels completed), you will find it more difficult when farming for resources due to there being reductions to available loot when ...

Will there be Builder Hall 11? ›

In latest Q&A (19 February, 2024) on reddit, Supercell said that 2024 is year of Home Village. So they will focus on Home Village this year. We can expect to see Builder Hall 11 between Jan to May 2025.

What is the most important building in COC? ›

The Town Hall is the central building of the Home Village, and one of the most important buildings in the game. Upgrading the Town Hall lets you unlock new buildings, Traps and Heroes, and upgrade them to higher levels.

What does Builder Hall 10 unlock? ›

New Defense: X-Bow

X-Bow is unlocked once you upgrade to Builder Hall 10 and is similar to X-Bow in your Home Village. X-Bow can be switched between 2 modes. One mode allows for targeting only ground Troops. The alternate mode allows you to only target air Troops.

What is the most important defense in the builder base? ›

The Crusher is arguably one of the most powerful ground defenses in the Builder Base. As its name implies, it crushes ground enemies that walk under it, dealing a large amount of damage to all ground units under it.

How much time to max Builder Hall? ›

But if you're going to max everything before upgrading your corresponding town hall level, then it will literally take 2 years at least & yeah unlock the 6th builder with Otto hut for faster upgrading.

Is it worth it to upgrade collectors in Builder Base? ›

In general, the Home Village can produce and store more Elixir from Elixir Collectors due to having more Collectors, and ones that produce and store more as well. However, the ones in the Builder Base are more important due to players not being able to obtain loot from an unlimited amount of Versus Battles at once.

How to get 200% destruction in builder battles? ›

If the Builder Base has two stages, an additional three more stars are available, for a total of six stars within a single attack. The damage counter within the second stage will range from 100% to a maximum of 200% (upon completely destroying the second stage).

At what town hall should I stop rushing? ›

When should I stop rushing? Upgrade costs begin to get expensive at Town Hall 9 so some people stop rushing at Town Hall 9. Other people rush until they have unlocked a specific troop such as Electro Dragon. Some people will stop rushing at Town Hall 12 because upgrading the Giga Tesla while rushed is hard.

Is it OK to rush base in COC? ›

It is a good strategy but it has its flaws. You can trophy push better and you might be able to max out faster then maxing out Town Hall by Town Hall. When rushing you go straight to the next Town Hall as soon as you can. A rushed base can be used as a second account to support your clan.

Should I skip th14 coc? ›

Th15 is much much stronger than th14. As a th14 it is very hard to attack while th15 easily tripple you. I think it's worth to basically skip it. Technically it's better to do all the basics and upgrade fast to Th15 so you can max out your troops- pets.

Which town hall is the hardest? ›

As a high legend league th15, I can confirm that th15 is the hardest, for several reasons.
  • Attack/Defense hasn't been balanced yet.
  • Poison spell towers add an addition AOE that shred through multiple units.
  • Monolith stopping power, enough said.
  • Hero power creep is reel. ...
  • personal data.
Nov 22, 2022

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.