[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (2024)

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them)

With over thirteen hundred uniques in the game, it’s hard to keep track and remember all of them, to the point where players will sometime believe a unique is new simply because they never encountered it before, though has existed for years. But there are always the fabled ‘Chase Uniques’ in the game, and this is a list of the best ones, both for the power they give you and their flexibility. So here are my Top 10 Unique Items as of Patch 3.18!

10 – Tabula Rasa

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (1)

Tabula Rasa

One of the most iconic unique items, though extremely common, is the famous Tabula Rasa. Giving you from level 1 and beyond an easy, flexible 6 Links to play with, at the cost of no defences, makes it a bog-standard item for twinking your levelling process and speeding it up!

People use it even into early mapping, and it can definitely take you a long way, since Links tend to be the best way to get damage, and considering how cheap a Tabula is, even during League Start, it’s one the best uniques in the game in my opinion.

Why Tabula Rasa is Great:

  • Easy 6-Linking, with white sockets, so anything can be slotted in without spending a lot of currency on Chromatic Orbs.
  • Can always vendor for a Divine Orb.
  • Easy to get good Corruptions.
  • One of the most coveted items during League Start

How to Get a Tabula Rasa:

  • There are several ways to get one. One of the most usable is by farming Aqueduct-tileset maps and zones, like the Bloody Aqueducts in Act 9, for a set of Humility cards.
  • There’s also the Vanity Divination Card, which grants you a Corrupted Tabula.
  • It’s one of the most common uniques, and since it has a really low item level requirement, it can drop right in Twilight Strand.

Tabula Rasa full details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Tabula_Rasa

9 – Timeless Jewels

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (2)

One of the five Timeless Jewels, Brutal Restraint, the Maraketh one

Introduced over 10 leagues ago, the Timeless Jewels are a set of unique jewels that come from the Domain of Timeless Conflict, a special zone that can only be accessed after you’ve collected Emblems, and fought multiple armies at the same time. They offer a breadth of variety and unique keystones and passives that you can’t find anywhere else in the game. They also enable a ton of builds to work and have one of the best usage in the game.

Why are the Timeless Jewels Great:

  • Only access to certain Keystones on the passive tree.
  • They change the way your Passive tree works and how to build your character around them.
  • They also provide unique and hard to get stats to your notables, enhancing your character in newfound ways.

How to get Timeless Jewels:

  • You have to collect splinters of different armies, like the Karui or Maraketh, and when you have 100 splinters, they’ll turn into an emblem. With two or more emblems, you can slot them into your Map Device to fight in the Domain of Timeless Conflict.
  • The idea is to get as many Emblems in a single go and kill as many monsters as possible.
  • Doing 5-Ways (All 5 emblems) was known as the best way to level to 100 for a long time, by having someone who’s fully kitted out carry a whole party.

Timeless Jewels full details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Timeless_Jewel

8 – Melding of the Flesh

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (3)

Melding of the Flesh

Introduced in Patch 3.17, Melding of the Flesh is a fantastic unique jewel that enables a fairly easy access to 90% All Ele Res at the cost of heavy resistance penalties. It’s one of the best jewels for defence, as decreasing the damage you take from 75% Res to 90% is essentially a 66% less elemental damage taken multiplier.

Why Melding of the Flesh is Great:

  • You get to be essentially immortal to Elemental Damage.
  • It’s the best way to cap your res 90% max with the lowest amount of effort possible.

How to get Melding of the Flesh:

  • As it’s a boss drop only unique, the only way to get it is by killing Eater of World Pinnacle boss, over and over and over, since it has a very low drop rate.
  • In 3.17, it used to be a relatively common drop, but with 3.18, it got bumped up quite high to the point it costs upwards of 6 exalted orbs 3 weeks into the league.

Melding of the Flesh full details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Melding_of_the_Flesh

7 – Forbidden Jewels

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (4)

Forbidden Flame and Forbidden Flesh unique jewels

Also introduced in 3.17, these duo jewels are one of the most overpowered jewels in the game, giving you access to other classes’ ascendancies, previously something impossible to get. You want a Raider with Galeforce, for massive Tailwind Effect? You can now do that!

You need both sets, though, and that’s where it gets tricky, because of how rare they are, the ones in high demand with be extremely expensive, and have the potential to make new builds from the ground up.

Why Forbidden Jewels are Great:

  • They offer a ton of flexibility and new avenues to create different and unique builds.
  • You can get a lot more bang for your buck with this combo set.
  • There’s always something you can find that can fit your build that would enhance it.

How to get Forbidden Jewels:

  • They come from the new Pinnacle Bosses, Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds, respectively.
  • You need a set of each, with the same notable allocated, and you have to be of the same class to equip it.
  • There are also new Uber variants of these jewels, that can only drop from Uber Searing Exarch and Uber Eater of Worlds.

Forbidden Jewels details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Forbidden_Flesh

6 – The Squire

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (5)

The Squire

Introduced in 3.16, this shield makes something that has never happened before. It links your gems from your weapon with the slots in your shield. Some people might think this is dumb, because that’s only a 6L. But the thing is, there are a lot of weapons, uniques and rare, that already have built-in gems. But they could never exceed a determined amount of support gems.

With the Squire, and some pretty expensive crafting, you can achieve a 12-Link skill, with essentially the most possible damage in the game.

Why The Squire is Great:

  • It offers a ton of power, by having a free 6L that can be linked to your main hand weapon.
  • There are dozens of unique weapons that synergizes well with it, most particularly Mjolner and Arakaali’s Fang.
  • It opens up the opportunity for 12Link weapons, and create whole new builds from a single unique.

How to get The Squire:

  • It doesn’t have yet a dedicated Divination Card, but you can get it from general unique divination cards, like Jack in the Box or The Mercenary.
  • One of the best methods, besides buying it from players at a steep price, is through Gambling with Gwennen, from Expedition.

The Squire full details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Squire

5 – Watcher’s Eye

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (6)

Blank Watcher's Eye

The most used and diverse unique in the game, and one of my personal favourites, the Watcher’s Eye is a unique that can be horrible, okay, good and even insanely broken, rarer than winning the lotto, with how it works.

You can get a crappy 3-Mod WE from UE with Vitality Flasks, Unafected by Enfeeble or Regenerate ES as a life character, and it would be worthless for you, but you can also win the lotto and get a triple Hatred or Pride Watcher’s Eye.

What makes the Watcher’s Eye so Great:

  • It is the most flexible unique in the game.
  • Every build can make use of it.
  • It can be build defining or enhancing.

Where can you get a Watcher’s Eye:

  • It drops naturally from The Elder, as a 2-mod item.
  • It also drops naturally from The Uber Elder, as a 3-mod item.
  • It has a few dedicated Divination Cards that target WEs. The Samurai’s Eye and The Destination both give a version of WE.

Watcher’s Eye full details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Watcher%27s_Eye

4 – Ashes of the Stars

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (7)

Ashes of the Stars

Also introduced in 3.17, Ashes of the Stars is one of my favourite Uniques in the game. It created new builds by enhancing Skill gem’s quality by 30%, such as Poison Spark. Sadly, it got nerfed hard in 3.18, with its drop rate being shot through the ground. What was once a 5c Unique, is now a 45 Exalted chase Unique.

What Makes Ashes of the Stars Great:

  • It enables new builds and improves old ones with its quality-enhancing line.
  • It truly unlocks the Alt-gem power by furthering its quality.
  • It also gives a bunch of general Reservation Efficiency, allowing an extra aura in every build.

Where can you get an Ashes of the Stars:

  • It doesn’t have yet a Divination Card, and likely will never have. It cannot be chanced either.
  • The only way, besides buying from other players, is by killing the Eater of Worlds dozens of times, with its abysmal drop rate. You might get lucky. I certainly didn’t.

Ashes of the Stars full details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Ashes_of_the_Stars

3 – Crystallised Omniscience

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (8)

Crystalized Omniscience

This insanely broken amulet came with Ashes, as its counterpart drop from the other Pinnacle Boss introduced in 3.17. It converts all attributes you get into Omniscience, a new stat that, with this amulet, grants 1% All Elemental Resistance per 10 Omniscience, while also granting 1% Elemental Penetration (all three elements) per 10 Omniscience.

This means that if you stack as much Attribute and %Attribute, you can reach over 1300 Omni easily, which means 130% all res and 130% Ele pen! That’s insane scaling and it trivializes most content in the game, making it extremely easy to gear and care about resists, being able to easily fit in a Melding of the Flesh.

It received the same treatment as Ashes, though, with its drop rate being lowered to the ground, going from a 1c item in 3.17 to 50ex or more in 3.18.

What Makes Crystallized Omniscience so Great:

  • Tons of free Res and Ele Pen.
  • It makes subpar builds truly shine back into stardom.
  • It trivializes getting gear upgrades past a certain point, and you have tons of leftover resist, making it a great enabler for Melding of the Flesh, to get 90% Max Res easily.

How to get Crystalized Omniscience:

  • Like Ashes of the Stars, it drops from the new Pinnacle Boss, this time from Searing Exarch. It’s insanely rare and it has no divination cards yet.

Crystallized Omniscience full details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Crystallised_Omniscience

2 – Headhunter

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (9)


It’s the most iconic item in Path of Exile and one of the most coveted items every league. Players live and die by this item and they consider anything else horrible if they don’t get it.

A belt that can steal the mods from Rare mobs, making you insanely tanky, quick, and super strong, has been nerfed to the ground this league, especially after the buff this league, where HH buffs lasts for 60 seconds and refresh!

What Makes Headhunter so Great:

  • You steal the things that kill you. If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger, times infinity.
  • The best belt for Speed-clearing.
  • One of the most sought-after uniques in the game, and by far the most recognizable.

How to get a Headhunter:

  • As it is a massively sought-after unique, and has existed for years and years, it has a few divination cards that can give you the belt directly.
  • The Doctor is a set of 8 cards that grants you directly a HH.
  • The Fiend gives you a corrupted HH.
  • The Demon is the most expensive version, a Headhunter with two-implicit corruption.

Headhunter full details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Headhunter

1 – Mageblood

[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (10)


The most powerful unique in the game, by far, that makes you tanky, quick, strong, and frees all of your equips from having to have any resistance in their affixes. You can essentially do anything with it and it’s the most expensive unique in league, with one exception, Stasis Prism.

You don’t have to press flasks because your flasks are always in effect, and with some clever crafting, you have flasks with 95% effect at all times!

What Makes Mageblood Great:

  • The best belt in the game, that grants you more power than you’ll know what to do with it.
  • It’s one of the most fun levelling possible you can have, zooming at 200% MS with no issues, trivializing all the content.
  • It makes it so you never have to press flasks, which is a massive boon to some who have wrists issues from gaming too much, like I do.

Where can you get a Mageblood:

  • In 3.18, it was introduced a new card, The Apothecary, a set of 5 that drops in Crimson Temple.
  • Besides that, you can always gamble with Gwennen and generic unique belt cards.
  • It’s drop-restricted, so it can only drop in zones 75+.

Mageblood full details: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Mageblood

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[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Unique Items That Are Powerful (And How To Get Them) (2024)


What is the most powerful build in Poe? ›

Path of Exile Best Builds Tier List
  • Explosive Arrow Elementalist.
  • Toxic Rain Ballista.
  • Tornado Shot.
  • Penance Brand of Dissipation.
  • Summon Raging Spirit.
  • Boneshatter Slayer.
  • Lightning Arrow Deadeye.
  • Detonate Dead Elementalist.

What are the good uniques of Poe? ›

When it comes to the best leveling unique items in Path of Exile, the Tabula Rasa is definitely on the list. This body armor does not provide you with any stats or attributes. But, what it does offer is the ability for you to put your main skill gem and include up to five support gems very early on in the game.

How to get a unique item in Poe? ›

Obtaining a unique item. World drops. Unique items can be found as random drops just the same as any other item. Normal monsters drop items with an item level equal to the monster level, magic monsters drop items with item level at monster level +1, rare/unique monsters drop items with item level at monster level +2.

What is the best unique chest armor in Poe? ›

The Brass Dome - is one of the best Armours in the Game. It grants you tons of Armour to reduce incoming Physical Damage. It also boosts your maximum Resistance to negate Elemental Damage.

What is the strongest class in Path of Exile? ›

S-tier. The most superior class characters belong to this category consisting of the Scion, Witch, and Shadow. The Scion is the perfect combination of all the abilities lying in the center of the passive tree.

What is the best solo class in PoE? ›

Deadeye is the main go-to ascendancy class for almost all projectile builds in PoE. Gathering Winds increases your attack speed and movement speed, allowing you to finish the main campaign faster.

Can you divine a unique Poe? ›

Divine Orbs re-roll the values of explicit values of modifiers. This can only be used on magic, rare, or unique items. Only the values of affixes that have a range of values will be randomized. A Divine Orb will not change the tier of the affix; it will only re-roll within its current tier.

What are the odds of getting a unique Poe? ›

Chances of Rare: Around 1 in 5.4 attempts for rolling rare item(s). Chances of Unique: About 1 in 500 rolls for uniques, though this might vary depending on the type of item.

What uniques drop in World Tier 3? ›

As of Season 4: Loot Reborn, normal Uniques can drop in World Tiers 1 and 2, Sacred Uniques can drop in World Tier 3: Nightmare, and Ancestral Uniques can drop in World Tier 4: Torment.

What is the unique of dark armor? ›

Dark armor is an armor set that can be found within the various missions of Minecraft Dungeons. The unique variant of dark armor is the titan's shroud. Another variant, with gold highlights, is worn by illager royal guards and tower guards.

What is the best dual wield Poe? ›

Barbarian, Fighter, Cipher, Rogue and Paladin are the classes that have damage boosts or other advantages that work with dual wield. The Cipher ability Reaping Knives, is the best dual wield buff in the game (they can't use it on themselves), so if you're playing a dual wielder have a Cipher in the party.

What is the max quality armor Poe? ›

Armourer's Scrap. Has greater effect on lower-rarity armours. The maximum quality is 20%.

What is the highest quality possible PoE? ›

Quality is normally capped at 20%. However, there are certain crafting methods that can increase quality beyond that, including: Corrupting a gem may increase its quality.

What is the best build for a new player in PoE? ›

Best Beginner Builds in Patch 3.23
  • Boneshatter Slayer. ...
  • Minion Army Necromancer. ...
  • Hexblast Mines Saboteur. ...
  • Elemental SRS Guardian. ...
  • Righteous Fire Inquisitor. Righteous Fire. ...
  • Corrupting Fever Champion. Corrupting Fever. ...
  • Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder. Toxic Rain. ...
  • Lightning Arrow Deadeye. Lightning Arrow.
Jul 23, 2024

What is the fastest moving build in PoE? ›

Kinetic Blast/Barrage. Pathfinder/Ranger build. Kinetic Blast Pathfinder is one of the fastest builds in the game, clearing whole screens with Kinetic Blast and Herald of Ice Explosions. Barrage scales very well with additional projectiles, so investing into Dying Sun will help you melt bosses within seconds.

What is the highest dex in PoE? ›

The dexterity affixes range from +8 to 55 and are bracketed by item level. Dexterity as an affix is always a suffix. The highest dexterity suffix is of the Wind. The item level required for this affix is 82.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.