Vendor Management Portal FAQs | Darden (2024)

If you have not received an email from Darden regarding the Supplier Portal, please click here and submit a request for access. Vendor Management Portal Access Form.

Once you provide your information, you will receive an email invitation from apportalsupport@darden.comwith a user ID, password and a link to register. This may take 2-3 business days.

It may take 2-3 business days to receive the invite. If it has been longer than that, make sure emails from apportalsupport@darden.comare not being blocked or going to spam. You can also email apportalsupport@darden.comwith any questions.

Go to, select “First Time User/Forgot Username” and follow the prompts.

Go to, select “Forgot Your Password” and follow the prompts.

Yes, all suppliers will be required to complete their registration and update their information in the Vendor Management Portal. You should also use the Vendor Management Portal to research invoice and payment status. You can also easily opt for early payment of invoices after a small discount deduction.

These refer to Darden’s early payment options. There are three ways you can get paid before the scheduled due date that is based on your payment terms. All of these options will be available to you with a small discount.

1. Accept via weekly email offer. Each week the Primary Contact will receive an email of all invoices that are eligible for early payment. The email offer will include the discounted amount for each invoice. You can select “accept offer” to just accelerate the invoices in the email or select “always accept” which will automatically set you up to accept early payment discounts on all future invoices.

2. Always Accelerate Cash – you can choose this option two ways. You can choose “always accept” from the email offer as mentioned above, or you can log into the portal and select “always accelerate cash” on the banking information screen. Both of these options will result in all invoices paying immediately after the invoices are approved by the restaurant managers.

3. Accelerate individual invoices to pay at dates of your choosing. By logging into the portal, you can select specific invoices and choose various dates from a calendar and choose specific dates to better manage your discount amount. The discounts are on a sliding scale, so the later the date that you choose, the smaller the discount amount will be.

After logging into the Vendor Management Portal, click on “Cash Management” and then “Accelerate Cash by Invoice” to review all eligible invoices and select those you would like to accelerate.

To view all eligible invoices, click “See All Offers.” A simple search screen will appear, allowing you to search for specific invoices that may be accelerated. Click the checkbox next to the invoices to highlight them, and then click “Accelerate Cash.” This will open a new window allowing you to review the invoices selected and the discount that will be applied to the payment.

You also have the option to select the “Always Accelerate Cash” option on your “Accelerate Cash by Invoice” page in the Portal, which automatically sets you up to accept early payment discounts on all future invoices.

No. At this time, only one person can be given credentials to maintain your Company information in the Vendor Management Portal. Our system cannot support multiple users per Company.

To change your payment method, log in to the Vendor Management Portal and click on “Update Profile.” Go to the “Business Address” section and click on “Remit Address,” then scroll down in the pop-up window until you see the “Payment Method” field.

Select “Electronic Payment” from the dropdown menu and go to the “Banking Details” section. Under “Banking Information,” select “Add New Record” and enter all required fields in the pop-up window.

Note: The Portal may require you to update some additional fields before allowing you to select Business Address or Banking Detail

If any of your addresses are incorrect, we ask that you edit the existing address rather than deleting it and entering a new one. To do this, go to the business address section, and click on the edit icon next to the address you want to update.

The Vendor Management Portal does not change how you submit invoices for payment. The invoice you may be asked to upload is for verification purposes only. However, Darden has recently implemented the Coupa Supplier Portal for electronic invoicing. Completing your Vendor Management Portal registration is the first step to get access to Coupa.

Since all non-food/non-beverage suppliers will be required to invoice Darden electronically through Coupa, we require a Coupa contact so that we can send you an invite to also register on Coupa.

Coupa is a cloud based procure to pay platform that enables suppliers to invoice Darden electronically. Coupa also allows for real-time visibility of invoices and payment status. Get Invited to Set Up Your Darden Coupa Account

Yes, all non-food/non-beverage suppliers are required to submit invoices through Coupa.

Once you enter your Coupa contact information in the Vendor Management Portal and complete your Coupa registration, you will be able to electronically invoice Darden. Note that not all restaurants are enabled on Coupa yet. Get Invited to Set Up Your Darden Coupa Account

Vendor Management Portal FAQs | Darden (2024)


How does vendor portal work? ›

A supplier portal, also known as a vendor portal, is an integrated online platform shared by businesses and their vendors. The supplier portal is used for entering supplier information, submitting documents, displaying status, and communicating.

How does a vendor management system work? ›

A vendor management system, often referred to as a VMS, is a platform or system that helps you manage the complex multi-step vendor management process. You'll be able to perform all related tasks on a single platform and automate manual work.

What are the key areas of vendor management? ›

Vendor management is a term that describes the processes organizations use to manage their suppliers, who are also known as vendors. Vendor management includes activities such as selecting vendors, negotiating contracts, controlling costs, reducing vendor-related risks and ensuring service delivery.

How to do effective vendor management? ›

5 vendor management best practices
  1. Enforce a clear vendor management policy. ...
  2. Choose the right vendors for your business. ...
  3. Proactively manage and nurture vendor relationships. ...
  4. Monitor and track vendor spend. ...
  5. Measure vendor performance.
Feb 20, 2024

What is another name for a vendor portal? ›

Vendor Portals, also known as Supplier Portals, are platforms that allow businesses to connect and collaborate with their third-party suppliers on the internet.

How does vendor management inventory work? ›

Vendor managed inventory (VMI) is an arrangement where suppliers manage inventory levels that have been pre-determined. In short, the supplier takes decisions on behalf of the retailer wherein the supplier replenishes the inventory continuously.

What are the four stages to managing a vendor? ›

While vendor management strategies can vary across organizations, the process typically includes stages such as the following:
  • Segmentation. Segmentation involves the classification and selection of vendors. ...
  • Collaboration. ...
  • Implementation. ...
  • Evaluation.
Jul 29, 2023

What is vendor management framework? ›

A vendor management framework is a system for developing a vendor management program. A framework includes recommendations for creating the program, acquiring and managing vendors, and determining each vendor's value.

What are the considerations of vendor management? ›

Best Practices in Strategic Vendor Management
  • Set a Clear Vendor Management Policy.
  • Ensure That Vendor Contracts Delineate Responsibilities.
  • Use KPIs to Measure and Monitor Vendor Performance.
  • Manage Outsourced Service Providers and Outsourcing Risks.
  • Foster Vendor Collaboration.
  • Plan for a Clean Exit.
Mar 15, 2021

What is vendor management workflow? ›

Vendor management workflow process is a system designed to help businesses manage vendors more efficiently and accurately. One huge problem that companies run into is human error when filling out multiple forms and processes.

How do you measure success of vendor management? ›

Some of the major ones are:
  1. Return on investment (ROI) One of the most critical vendor management KPIs is the return on investment (ROI). ...
  2. Compliance & contract performance. ...
  3. Service delivery & quality. ...
  4. Pricing & competitiveness. ...
  5. Customer support.

How can vendor management be improved? ›

Here are some tips to help you improve vendor management for a company:
  1. Be flexible. ...
  2. Choose vendors carefully. ...
  3. Collaborate to develop a strategy. ...
  4. Communicate effectively. ...
  5. Identify in-house tasks. ...
  6. Develop a centralized network. ...
  7. Establish expectations. ...
  8. Focus on long-term partnerships.

What is the cost of vendor portal? ›

The average cost of vendor portal development is between $70,000 and $150,000 depending on the required portal functionality.

How does a vendor get paid? ›

How does a vendor get paid? A vendor invoice should get paid based on the payment terms outlined in their onboarding contract. This contract should outline the timing and payment method between your business and the vendor. Typically, most vendors use ACH payments for their speed, affordability, and visibility.

Who uses the vendor portal? ›

Vendor portals are commonly used by organizations and government agencies, especially those that regularly deal with larger groups of vendors across different operational areas. This is a formal management system that requires vendors to initially register on the platform and then manage their accounts.

How does a customer portal work? ›

A customer portal is a dedicated hub where customers can manage their relationship with your company, such as checking the status of their open support requests, finding knowledge base articles, and contributing to your community.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.