What You Need to Know About Cyanosis, or Bluish Discoloration of the Skin (2024)

Bluish skin discoloration (cyanosis) may affect your hands, feet, or entire body. Possible causes include heart, lung, and circulatory conditions, some of which are life threatening.

Many conditions can cause your skin to have a bluish tint.

For example, bruises and varicose veins can appear blue. Poor circulation or inadequate oxygen levels in your bloodstream can also cause your skin to turn bluish. This skin discoloration is known as cyanosis.

Cyanosis can affect any part of your body, including your:

  • fingers, toes, and nails
  • earlobes
  • mucous membranes
  • lips

This bluish coloring is more common in newborns as their skin learns to adjust to the environment, but it can also affect adults. It’s more noticeable on light-colored skin.

Cyanosis is often the result of heart, lung, or circulatory system issues.

Most often, cyanosis is a symptom of a serious health condition. Read on to learn about the types of cyanosis, what causes it, and when you should see a healthcare professional.

There are four types of cyanosis:

  • Central cyanosis: In central cyanosis, there’s low overall oxygen available to the body, often due to abnormal blood proteins or a low oxygen state. Central cyanosis may appear all over the body, including the mucous membranes.
  • Peripheral cyanosis: In peripheral cyanosis, your limbs aren’t getting enough oxygen or blood flow due to low blood flow or injury.
  • Mixed cyanosis: Mixed cyanosis is when peripheral and central cyanosis occur at the same time.
  • Acrocyanosis: Acrocyanosis affects your hands and feet when you’re cold, and it should resolve after you warm back up. Primary acrocyanosis results from either a genetic disposition or an unknown cause. Second acrocyanosis has various causes, including low blood oxygen levels, connective tissue diseases, malnutrition, and some inheritable conditions.

The protein hemoglobin appears in the red blood cells and carries oxygen. Cyanosis occurs when hemoglobin is at low levels or doesn’t carry oxygen at all.

Oxygen-rich blood is deep red and causes your skin’s normal color. Under-oxygenated blood is bluer and causes your skin to look a bluish purple.

The normal hemoglobin level is 12.0 to 15.5 grams per deciliter (g/dL) for women and 13.5 to 17.5 g/dL for men, according to the American Red Cross. Cyanosis will become visible when your level of deoxygenated hemoglobin (or hemoglobin without blood) reaches 3.0 to 5.0 g/dL, according to StatPearls.

Cyanosis can develop quickly due to an acute health problem or external factor. It can also be the result of a worsening health condition or develop gradually due to a chronic or long-term health condition.

Many health disorders that involve the heart, lungs, blood, or circulation will cause cyanosis.

Causes of central cyanosis include:

  • heart abnormalities that are present during birth and cause blood to bypass the lungs and never collect oxygen
  • chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • sudden infection in your airways, such as pneumonia
  • problems with lung expansion or chest wall injuries
  • asphyxiation
  • obstruction of the airway
  • pulmonary embolism, which is a blood clot in the lungs
  • pulmonary hypertension, which is high blood pressure in the lungs
  • obstructive sleep apnea
  • hypothermia, or exposure to extreme cold that causes your body temperature to drop
  • overdoses of certain medications
  • exposure to certain poisons, such as cyanide

Causes of peripheral cyanosis include:

  • all possible causes of central cyanosis
  • severe anemia, which is a low red blood cell count
  • heart attack or heart failure
  • shock
  • severe altitude sickness
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon, a condition that can restrict blood flow to your fingers or toes

Most causes of cyanosis are serious and a symptom of your body not getting enough oxygen. Some causes — such as heart attack, heart failure, and those that affect your breathing — are even life threatening.


The term “pseudocyanosis” is used to describe bluish skin that isn’t caused by cyanosis.

Pseudocyanosis may be a side effect of medications, such as:

  • amiodarone (Nexterone, Pacerone), which is used to treat atrial fibrillation
  • antimalarial drugs, such as chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine
  • tetracyclines, a group of antibiotics

The condition methemoglobinemia can also lead to pseudocyanosis. Methemoglobinemia occurs when blood proteins become abnormal and can’t carry oxygen. It’s most often caused by drugs or toxins.

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Contact a doctor or another healthcare professional if you develop a bluish tint to your skin, lips, fingertips, or fingernails that can’t be explained by bruising and doesn’t go away.

Seek emergency medical attention if you develop cyanosis along with any of the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing
  • shortness of breath
  • rapid breathing
  • chest pain
  • coughing up dark mucus
  • fever
  • confusion
  • dizziness
  • extreme fatigue

Over time, cyanosis will become life threatening. If left untreated, it can lead to acute or chronic respiratory failure, heart failure, and even death.

A doctor can diagnose cyanosis just by looking at your skin. To diagnose the cause of your cyanosis, the doctor will perform a complete physical exam. They’ll ask you about your medical history and when your symptoms developed.

They may also order one or more tests, such as:

  • a complete blood count
  • pulse oximetry to measure the level of oxygen in your blood
  • an arterial blood gas test to measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH in the blood of your arteries
  • an electrocardiogram (EKG) to measure the electrical activity of your heart
  • an echocardiogram, which is an ultrasound of the heart
  • an X-ray or a CT scan of your chest
  • a skin biopsy, in rare instances

The treatment plan the doctor recommends will depend on the underlying cause of your cyanosis.

For example, if you have a condition that affects your airways or breathing, they may prescribe supplemental oxygen therapy. In this therapy, you’ll receive oxygen through a mask or a tube placed in your nose.

For conditions that affect your heart or blood vessels, they may prescribe medications, surgery, or other treatments.

If you’ve received a diagnosis of Raynaud’s phenomenon, the doctor may advise you to dress warmly and limit your time in cold environments. In severe cases, they may prescribe calcium channel blockers, alpha-blockers, or topical medications that help dilate the blood vessels.

Some causes of cyanosis are difficult to prevent. However, taking steps like these can help lower your risk of developing cyanosis and some conditions that cause it:

  • Protect your heart, blood vessels, and respiratory system by avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke and exercising regularly.
  • Schedule regular checkups with a doctor to monitor your health, and let them know if you notice any changes in your health.
  • Follow your doctor’s recommended treatment plan for any health conditions that you have, such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, COPD, or Raynaud’s phenomenon.
  • Wear more layers and warmer clothes during wintertime.
  • Get vaccinated to prevent respiratory infections and serious illnesses.
What You Need to Know About Cyanosis, or Bluish Discoloration of the Skin (2024)


What You Need to Know About Cyanosis, or Bluish Discoloration of the Skin? ›

People whose blood is low in oxygen tend to have a bluish color to their skin. This condition is called cyanosis. Depending on the cause, cyanosis may develop suddenly, along with shortness of breath and other symptoms. Cyanosis that is caused by long-term heart or lung problems may develop slowly.

What is the main cause of cyanosis? ›

Cyanosis is a bluish color in the skin, lips, and nail beds caused by a shortage of oxygen in the blood. Cyanosis occurs because blood with low levels of oxygen turns blue or purple. This low-oxygen blood causes a blue-purple tint to the skin.

When should I be concerned about cyanosis? ›

If a person has cyanosis and any of these symptoms, they need immediate medical care: difficulty breathing, such as gasping for breath. chest pain. profuse sweating.

What is the discoloration of cyanosis? ›

Cyanosis is the medical term for when your skin, lips or nails turn blue due to a lack of oxygen in your blood. If you have darker skin, cyanosis may be easier to see in your lips, gums, nails and around your eyes. The word cyanosis comes from the word cyan. Cyan is a blue-green color.

How do you observe cyanosis? ›

Cheeks, nose, ears, and oral mucosa are the best areas to assess cyanosis as the skin in these areas is thin, and the blood supply is good. This can help determine if the cyanosis is generalized, limited to extremities, or if there is a difference in the bluish discoloration in different extremities.

How to fix cyanosis? ›

Treatment of cyanosis
  1. Warming of the affected areas. ...
  2. Surgery as a treatment for cyanosis. ...
  3. Oxygenation as a treatment for cyanosis. ...
  4. Intravenous fluids. ...
  5. Drugs as a treatment for cyanosis. ...
  6. Immunizations for children with cyanosis. ...
  7. Injections for babies with cyanosis. ...
  8. Glucose administration.

What deficiency causes cyanosis? ›

Most cyanosis occurs because of a lack of oxygen in the blood. This can be caused by the following problems. Problems with the lungs: Blood clot in the arteries of the lungs (pulmonary embolism)

What is cyanosis an indicator of? ›

Cyanosis refers to a bluish-purple color of the skin. It is most easily seen where the skin is thin, such as the lips, mouth, earlobes and fingernails. Cyanosis means there may be decreased oxygen in the bloodstream. It may suggest a problem with the lungs or heart.

Does cyanosis make you tired? ›

This occurs due to long standing oxygen deprivation in certain heart and lung diseases. Cyanosis is often accompanied by clubbing. There is general tiredness or weakness in patients who suffer from long term cyanosis. There may be episodes of headaches as well.

What is the most common cause of early cyanosis? ›

They are usually caused by structural defects of the heart that allow right-to-left shunting. Examples of defects that can cause cyanosis include tricuspid valve atresia, transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot, and pulmonary atresia.

What are the complications of cyanosis? ›

Long-term complications include clubbing, polycythemia, cerebrovascular accident, brain abscess, platelet abnormalities, lower-than-expected IQ, scoliosis, and hyperuricemia. 1. Central cyanosis is associated with arterial desaturation and involves the skin, mucous membranes, lips, tongue, and nail beds.

Is cyanosis hereditary? ›

Cyanosis present at birth suggests hereditary methemoglobinemia, whereas that appearing suddenly in an otherwise asymptomatic infant is more consistent with acquired methemoglobinemia. The blood is dark and, unlike deoxygenated venous blood, does not turn red when exposed to air.

What is the indicator of cyanosis? ›

Cyanosis is a bluish color of mucous membranes and/or skin. While this is most frequently attributable to increased amounts of unoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxyhemoglobin) in the vasculature, there are other causes of bluish skin color.

What happens if cyanosis is left untreated? ›

In some cases, hypoxia and cyanosis can be mild and resolve on their own, while in other cases, they can be severe and life-threatening. If left untreated or inadequately treated, hypoxia and cyanosis can lead to serious complications, such as respiratory failure, heart failure, or organ damage, and can be fatal.

Can anxiety cause cyanosis? ›

In the case of severe anxiety and depression, right-to-left shunting through the PFO may cause acute systemic hypoxemia via a flow-driven mechanism, occasionally manifesting as cyanosis. When anxiety improved, hypoxia also improved. Thus, the treatment of anxiety and depression seems effective in improving hypoxemia.

What is the significance of detecting cyanosis? ›

Clinicians may diagnose cyanosis as an indicator of hypoxemia when the patient has normal oxygen saturation; alternatively, physicians may miss cyanosis when it should be present (the patient has very low oxygen saturation with normal hemoglobin).

What is the most common cause of cyanosis within the first few weeks of life? ›

Hypoxemia is usually the cause. This condition is frequently present in neonates with pulmonary pathology but is also among the most common presentations of severe congenital heart disease (CHD). Because cyanotic CHD in newborns may be life-threatening, it must not go undiagnosed.

What is the most common cyanosis? ›

Peripheral cyanosis

This is commonly seen if the arterial blood stagnates too long in the limbs and loses most of its oxygen. Cyanosis shows up as the levels of deoxygenated blood rises in the small blood vessels of the fingers and toes.

Can heart problems cause purple feet? ›

Skin Color Changes

Blue or gray fingers and toes could be from poor circulation of oxygen-rich blood, often due to a heart defect you were born with or narrowed or blocked blood vessels. A lacy, mottled, purple pattern shows up when bits of built-up cholesterol plaques break off, then get stuck in small blood vessels.

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