Zoysia Grass - Guide To Caring For And Growing Zoysiagrass (2024)

Zoysia is a popular grass in southern climates due to its shade, drought, and cold tolerance. And it comes in many varieties, which makes it easier to find the right grass for your lawn.

But zoysia isn’t without its weaknesses. It has slow lateral growth and low recuperative potential. And despite low nutrient needs, it still requires a good degree of maintenance.

In this guide, we’ll look at important zoysia grass characteristics to determine if it’s right for your yard. We’ll also tell you everything you need to know to care for this warm-season grass using our helpful lawn care calendar.

Zoysia Grass - Guide To Caring For And Growing Zoysiagrass (1)

Zoysia Overview

Also Known AsZoysiagrass; Zoysia sp.
Type of GrassWarm season perennial
Optimal ZonesSouthern through warmer transition zones
Root StructureShallow to medium
Winter hardinessGood
Heat toleranceExcellent
Shade tolerancePartial
Water RequirementsMedium
Drought ToleranceGood
Self Repair CapacityLow
Overall Maintenance RequirementsModerate

Quick Zoysiagrass Summary

  • Zoysiagrass is a warm season perennial grass native to Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
  • This grass is popular in southern climates for its shade, drought and cold tolerance.
  • There are several species of zoysia, including Zoysia japonica, Zoysia matrella, and Zoysia tenuifolia.
  • Fine-leafed zoysia has a better texture but requires more maintenance. Coarse-leafed zoysia is more drought tolerant but more susceptible to diseases.
  • Zoysia is best suited for southern climates and has good winter hardiness, heat tolerance, and drought tolerance.
  • It requires moderate maintenance, with moderate water requirements and slow lateral growth.
  • Zoysiagrass prefers full sun but can do well in partial shade.
  • Zoysia has a high wear tolerance but low self-repair capacity.
  • It should be installed in late spring using sod or plugs, not seeds.

The History of Zoysia Grass

Zoysia is native to Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. It first made its way to America in the late 1800s.

As early as 1908, Zoysia was being celebrated as a turfgrass for use on golf courses and lawns. Its slow but thick lateral growth makes it impervious to weeds. And it has a unique ability to thrive in various microclimates within temperate zones.

As the years went on, more species of zoysia were discovered and introduced in America. Three are still commonly in use today: Zoysia japonica, Zoysia matrella, and Zoysia tenuifolia. Within these species, cultivators can be found in two types: fine-leafed and coarse-leafed.

Fine leaf zoysia is less drought hardy but has a better texture and appearance for residential lawns. These species require the highest degree of maintenance.

Coarse leaf zoysia has deeper roots and is more tolerant of drought, heat, and cold. These types are easier to care for but more difficult to mow. They are also more susceptible to some diseases.

Zoysia Grass Lawn Characteristics

Zoysia Grass - Guide To Caring For And Growing Zoysiagrass (2)

Zoysia grass is one of the more hardy warm season grasses available. But it requires a lot of maintenance, careful care, and is difficult to establish.

To help you decide if zoysia is right for your yard, let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of this species.

Type of Grass

Zoysia is a perennial warm-season grass. “Perennial” meaning it comes back every year. And “warm season” meaning it does most of its growing when temperatures are between 75 and 90 degrees.

Like Bermudagrass and St. Augustine, zoysia grows the most in the summer. In temperate climates, it goes dormant from the first frost until about May.

Optimal Zones

Zoysia is best suited for southern climates. However, its hardiness has led to its popularity in warmer transition zones as hot summer temperatures become more common across much of the country.

Root Structure

Coarse strains of zoysia have the longest root systems, reaching about 2 feet in length. However, all species form a thick root mat that helps them excel at absorbing water.

Note: Zoysiagrass uses both rhizomes and stolons to reproduce.

Winter Hardiness

Zoysia grasses are very cold hardy for a warm season lawn grass. Some cultivators, such as Amazoy zoysia, can handle temperatures as low as -30 without damage.

All varieties will turn brown and go dormant during cooler weather. They’ll begin to green up when temperatures are consistently above 50 degrees, usually by mid to late spring.

Heat Tolerance

Zoysiagrass thrives in heat. It can handle temperatures as high as 120 degrees without turning brown. In fact, it is one of the last warm-season grasses to die off in extreme heat.

Shade Tolerance

Zoysiagrass prefers full sun but can do fairly well in areas of partial shade. It will thin and die off in areas of full shade, however.

Note: For a shady lawn, look for cultivators adapted to low light, such as El Toro, Empire, Royal, and Geo.

Water Requirements & Drought Tolerance

Zoysia has moderate water requirements. Infrequent, deep watering helps entice deep root growth. Zoysia root mats are highly absorbent and can accept more water at once than other grasses.

One watering session totaling 1 inch each week is enough to keep zoysia going through the warmest summers.

Self Repair Capacity

Zoysia has a high wear tolerance but a low self-repair capacity. Lateral growth is incredibly slow. Bare spots caused by high foot traffic are likely to fill in with weeds before the grass grows back.

Growing Zoysia From Seed

Zoysia lawns need to be installed in late spring using sod or plugs. Seeding is generally not recommended because it takes so long to germinate and establish.But if you do wish to attempt it, mid-late spring after the final frost is the ideal time.

Zoysia Lawn Care Calendar

Zoysia takes time to establish, but once it does, vertical growth is rapid. Keeping it maintained at the correct height takes a lot of work, especially in the summer. But in terms of water and fertilizer, it is a fairly easy keeper.

Brand-new lawns can be mowed after two weeks. At this point, you can begin following our zoysia lawn maintenance plan, below.

Spring Care

Zoysiagrass will begin to green up and start growing in mid to late spring. But lawn maintenance will need to begin before this.


The first mow of the season should take place right before the grass begins to green up in the spring. Set your mower lower than normal—to about 1 to 1 ½ inches high. Use a mower bag to collect the dead cuttings to avoid adding to the thatch.

Once the grass begins growing, continue mowing at this low height every week. Leave fresh cuttings on the lawn to provide nutrients.

Zoysia is best mowed with a push mower. But using a very sharp rotary mower is also possible. If you notice tearing and browning at the grass tips, your mower blade is not sharp enough.


Fertilization should only be done in the spring if there is zero risk of freezing weather. Zoysia that is encouraged to grow too quickly before frost will sustain damage.

Because this grass performs well in low nitrogen environments, there is little risk in waiting until after May to fertilize. This is, however, the best time to have a soil test done to evaluate missing nutrients.

Related post: The best fertilizer for Zoysia Grass

Weed Control

Pre-emergent herbicide should be applied to your lawn early in the spring, around mid-February. Applying again in late April will help further control weeds through the rest of the year.

Post-emergent weed killers should not be applied to a lawn until after the grass is fully greened up. In the meantime, pull troublesome weeds by hand or use spot treatments.


Irrigation is generally not needed in spring assuming at least 1 inch of rainfall per week. When supplemental watering is needed, water deep, up to 1 inch at a time once per week.

Pest and Disease Control

In warm springs, Zoysiagrass is susceptible to mole cricket damage. Unless the damage is severe, however, treatments should be delayed until summer when they will be more effective.

Disease is typically not an issue this time of year.

Aeration and Dethatching

Spring is the best time to have your lawn aerated to avoid compact soil. Aerated soil is better able to accept nutrients and water. Spring aeration should be done right before the second application of pre-emergent weed control.

Zoysiagrass is prone to thatch but it also performs better when a little thatch is allowed to build up. If your lawn has over 1 inch of thatch, use a dethatcher with 2 to 3-inch blade spacings. Narrower spacings will damage the lawn.

Summer Care

Summer is when Zoysia grass grows the most. It will need careful watering and mowing to thrive.


Set your mower height between 1 and 2 ½ inches for the summer. You can typically get away with shorter heights early on but should aim for closer to 2 inches during the heat of the summer. This will help reduce stress and protect the root system.

Zoysiagrass growing in shade will perform better if left at longer lengths, as well.

As always, be sure to keep a sharp blade on your mower for the best results.


In early summer, apply nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of ½ to 1 pound per 1,000 square feet to your grass. Sandy soils will need the higher amount while clay soils will need the lower one. Based on the soil test you did in the spring, choose a product with high or low phosphorus and sulfur amounts for your zoysiagrass.

In mid-summer, fertilizer with nitrogen at the same rate, but assure the mix also contains high potassium. Again, choose the phosphorus amount based on your soil test.

In early August, apply another round of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer as you did in mid-summer. Potassium is important in helping zoysia survive the winter.


Only water zoysiagrass when it shows signs of moisture stress. It will take on a bluish-green color and won’t bounce back when walked on.

When this happens apply ¾ to 1 inch of water to your grass in a single watering. Early morning is the best time to do this.

In periods of no rainfall, you will likely have to water your lawn once a week. But it’s best to let the grass tell you when conditions are too dry.

Weed Control

Apply broadleaf herbicide in the early summer after the grass is fully greened up but before daytime temperatures get over 90 degrees. This is only necessary if weeds are a problem. Choose a product safe for zoysia grass.

Alternatively, you can pull weeds manually or use spot treatments as needed.

Pest and Disease Control

Pests can be a big problem for zoysia in the summer. The most common suspects are:

  • Mole crickets
  • Grubs
  • Nematodes
  • Ground pearls

Each requires its own specific treatment, but most can be targeted this time of year, if needed. Keep an eye out for damage to the lawn and treat only when necessary.

Large Patch and Dollar Spot can occur on your grass in summer. This is typically a sign of too much moisture in the turf. Watering infrequently and just before sunrise will help.

Thatch buildup can also contribute to damage from these funguses.

Only dethatch if your grass is not stressed and temperatures are not too high.


Bare spots in lawns should be addressed in early summer by planting plugs or laying sod as needed. Some varieties can also be put in at the end of summer.

Fall/Autumn Care

The fall season is all about preparing your zoysiagrass for winter dormancy.


Continue mowing your grass at 1 ½ inches until nighttime temperatures cool to below 70 degrees. At this point, raise the mower ½ to 1 inch to allow for more leaf surface.

As usual, make sure your blade is very sharp to avoid grass leaf damage.


If fertilization was done consistently through the summer, it is not usually necessary now. However, soil tests can confirm nutrient levels are adequate.

The most important nutrient for fall is potassium, as this will help zoysia survive dormancy. If your soil test shows low potassium, add 1 pound of potash per 1,000 square feet about 6 weeks before the first expected frost.

While winterizer fertilizer can be helpful for cool-season lawns, it is not recommended for zoysia in most cases.

Weed Control

Control winter annual weeds and invasive grasses by using a pre-emergent weed control spray in September and again in late November.


Lawn irrigation is generally not needed in the fall. However, if there is not much rainfall, you may need to supplement as you did in the spring.

Once grass goes dormant continue to keep an eye on moisture levels. If no precipitation occurs for 3 weeks, apply about ¾ inch of water when temperatures are above freezing.

Disease Control

Keep an eye out for fungus problems this time of year. Large Patch, especially, can spread rapidly in moist, cool conditions. Treat with fungicides as needed.


Fall is the best time to overseed your lawn with cool-season grasses for winter color. Zoysia is more difficult to overseed than Bermuda, however. For best results, thatch must be removed almost completely.

You can find out more about how to overseed warm-season grasses, here.

Winter Care

Zoysia will start to go dormant as soon as temperatures drop below 50 overnight. After the first freeze, it will be completely dormant. From here, care revolves around assuring the grass doesn’t get too dry.


Continue monitoring moisture accumulation in your lawn through the winter. If more than 3 weeks pass without precipitation, apply ¾ inch of water as soon as daytime temperatures get above freezing.


Zoysia Grass - Guide To Caring For And Growing Zoysiagrass (2024)


Zoysia Grass - Guide To Caring For And Growing Zoysiagrass? ›

Zoysia Lawn – Year at Glance

How do you maintain zoysia grass? ›

Aerate, if needed, to improve compacted soil. Zoysia lawns typically need 1 inch of rainfall or irrigation per week. Deep, infrequent watering encourages deep, drought-resistant roots. Continue to maintain your Zoysia grass lawn at 1 to 2 inches tall.

What is the downside to Zoysia? ›

The pros of Zoysia grass include its drought resistance, low-maintenance requirements, and dense growth pattern. The cons include its slow establishment, intolerance to heavy foot traffic, and potential for thatch buildup.

What months do you fertilize Zoysia grass? ›

So when should I apply it and how much should I use? Turfgrasses should be fertilized in their most active periods of growth. For warm-season grasses such as zoysia grass, in the St. Louis area, May through August represents the period of most active growth.

How to make zoysia grass greener? ›

To make your Zoysia grass greener, apply a high-quality fertilizer with a balanced nutrient ratio suitable for Zoysia grass. In addition, follow proper watering practices and ensure the grass receives adequate sunlight.

Are coffee grounds good for Zoysia grass? ›

Just as the aroma and caffeine of a cup of Joe in the morning stimulates many of us, using coffee ground on grass can also stimulate healthier turf. It isn't the caffeine that stimulates healthy grass growth, but rather the nitrogen, phosphorus and trace minerals that coffee grounds contain.

Why do you put sand on Zoysia grass? ›

Warm season lawns that spread via stolons and rhizomes (runners), such as Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, and Centipedegrass, respond well to leveling with sand/compost mixtures like Level Mix. The runners are tough and recover from having "dirt" applied on top of them.

How to thicken up zoysia grass? ›

Your grass will grow thicker and healthier with regular fertilization during the growing season. The need for fertilizer varies based on the square footage and climate. Typically, Zoysia grass requires only minimal nitrogen, about 1 pound per 1,000 square feet during the growing season.

Is Miracle-Gro good for zoysia grass? ›

There's no need to spend a lot of green to feed a zoysia lawn. Miracle-Gro's affordable water-soluble fertilizer comes with a high-nitrogen NPK ratio of 36-0-6, which helps grass develop a rich green color while boosting health and encouraging dense growth.

How can I make my Zoysia grass spread faster? ›

How do you make Zoysia grow faster? There are a few different things you can do— Aerate the soil, water it often, mow it, fertilize with high phosphate fertilizer, make sure you pull any weeds and remove any thatch buildup.

How to get Zoysia dark green? ›

Fertilize Zoysia grass in the spring as it begins to green up and again in late spring or early summer. Use a balanced fertilizer with a suitable nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P-K) ratio for Zoysia grass, such as 16-4-8, to promote healthy growth and color.

What does lime do for Zoysia? ›

Zoysia requires a more neutral pH of at least 6.5. For this reason, it is recommended that granular lime (a calcium-containing material) be spread evenly across the turf to raise the soil pH toward a more neutral or alkaline level. (We typically do this on warm-season grasses like bermuda and zoysia in the early fall.)

How often does Zoysia grass need to be cut? ›

Mow Zoysia grass approximately once every 7 to 10 days during its active growth season. Adjust the frequency based on its growth rate, keeping the grass height between 1.5 to 2 inches.

What will make Zoysia grass spread faster? ›

If you like Zoysia Grass and want to spread it throughout your lawn, you can order additional plugs online and plant them in the areas that do not have Zoysia Grass. The best practice is to plant a two inch plug every six inches.

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