Beauty pageants aren’t just about putting on a pretty dress and smiling, as evidenced by these 50 common beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers.
I’ve never been in any kind of pageant situation, so I can’t really speak from personal experience on this topic, but I imagine it requires a lot of grace that I really don’t have. I can hardly walk in a straight line most of the time. I’m proud of anyone who does pageants and is really good at them because they’re beautiful people with a lot more patience and they can tolerate having a group of people judge them, which would likely make me cry.
Face of Denmark/
Pageants vary according to the theme and there are a lot of different types of pageants. The major beauty pageants most of us are familiar with are Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International, Miss Earth, and, of course, Miss America. Candidates come from different places, but they’re brought together aiming for one vision or common goal. The general vision is to make the world a better place somehow. We’ve also created a list of the 11 Best Countries in Beauty Pageants if you’re interested in learning more about these events.
Before moving on into those big-name pageants, though, one generally gains experience from smaller pageants during younger and teen years. Teenage beauty pageants are inspired by the bigger ones from theme to sequence of events. They’re like practice rounds. Aside from looking beautiful and being graceful, it’s important to be witty and intelligent during the question and answer section. The topics for questions range anywhere from sports, politics, education, environment, tourism, culture, balance of academic and extracurricular activities, and personal.
Our list of thecommon beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers will obviously be full of those mentioned topics. We gathered them from sources like The Pageant Planet, Miss Greater Dothan Forestry, Own that Crown, Miss Teen Pageants, and Storify. There may be some that are extremely easy to answer and others that are a bit more challenging and require more thought. They’ll be great practice if you’re looking to enter the pageant world. Just don’t go all Toddlers & Tiaras mom on us. If you have suggestions for better answers, let us know in the comments.
Without further ado, here are the questions and answers.
50. Tell me about a recent goal you accomplished.
Answer:As I stand here in front of you, with this huge audience watching over me, I am proud to say that this is my recently achieved goal, and there are many more in store for me.
49. What made you decide to enter this pageant?
Answer:I always knew this was my calling.
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48. What brings you the most happiness in life?
Answer: What brings me themost happiness in life isachieving my goals.
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47. Who, aside from your family, has the biggest influence on you?
Answer: That would be my teachers, for we spend most of our younger years in a classroom with them educating us.
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46. If you could get one message out to the world, what would it be?
Answer: Live your dreams!
Copyright: antonioguillem / 123RF Stock Photo
45. If you were to win this title, how would you balance school, social life, and extracurricular activities?
Answer: Planning and time management are the perfect tools to balance school, social life, and extracurricular activities.
44. Why should you be the next titleholder?
Answer:You should select me to be the titleholder because I promise to fulfill my responsibility to perfection. While doing so, I will strive to be a mirror to all the aspirants and those around me.
43. What would your response be to a person who believes that pageants aren’t a good influence for young women?
Answer:Beauty pageants have given women a platform to acknowledge their beauty, knowledge, and skills in front of the world. It is an opportunity to seek the better in you. Beauty contests have also given nations the ability to be prideful with a new accolade.
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42. What makes you unique compared to all of the other contestants in this competition?
Answer:I believe that each and every one of us is unique, but what makes me unique is my personality and positiveattitude toward everything that I do.
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41. What is your opinion on social media? Do you think it helps or hurts our society?
Answer:Social media has become a tool to let people know what’s notshown on other popular forms of media and people from around the world may have ahealthy exchange of opinions.
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40. Who is your role model?
Answer: My role model is mebecause for me every day is an endeavor to dobetter than yesterday.
39. Should you win this pageant, how will you promote it?
Answer: In fulfilling my responsibility as titleholder I will be able to perform my platform and in the course of my reign we will be able to let the people see our achievements through social media. Almost everyone in the world is connected online. I would also promote it through word of mouth, the most effective promotion throughout time.
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38. Do you have any unique family traditions, and if so, what are they?
Answer: We kiss the hands of elders to show respect.
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37. How would you make your school more environmentally friendly?
Answer: We have always promoted being green in schools, but to make it more environmentally friendly we must strictly implement proper garbage segregation and, through this, we will be able to apply recycling where the output can be used among the students or even donated to the communities who need it more.
36. How did you prepare for this pageant?
Answer: I prepared myself physically, emotionally, and mentally.
35. If you were judging this pageant, which characteristics would you look for in the young women when choosing a winner?
Answer: I will choose a winner who has focus, is responsible, and has confidence that she canfulfill her duties.
34. Why did you choose your platform for this pageant?
Your answer may vary on your platform.
33. Tell me something about yourself.
Answer:I am an embodiment of a new meaning of life. My purpose hereis to find the true calling of life and fulfill it. This platform is one of my steps towards reaching my goal for this destiny, which I will decide.
32. What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today? Why?
Answer:The biggest problem faced by our educational system is that it believes it’s a system. A system is a set arrangement of things. However, education means to impart knowledge by giving and taking in order to empower the uneducated. This has been forgotten in the process of being a system, which needs to be reevaluated and learned once again.
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31. Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker? Why?
Answer:By the virtue of being a woman, I consider myself to be a giver as well as ataker. As a woman, I am bestowed with the power to create a part of nature by taking a part of it. This is the beauty of femininity.
Copyright: antonioguillem / 123RF Stock Photo
30. What is your definition of success?
Answer:My definition of successis when my conscience agrees with the time, effort, money, and emotions spent on achieving the goal till the end of it and allows to me sleep peacefully at night.
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29. What is your biggest fear?
Answer: My biggest fear isnot reaching my goals when I know I can.
28. Do you think it’s necessary to hire a pageant coach if you’re serious about winning a pageant?
Answer: I think it is necessary to hire a pageant coach. We may know how to walk and have ideas on answering the questions but having a coach would mean improvement for a candidate.
27. If you don’t end up winning this pageant who would you like to see win?
Answer: All these girls who are on this stage have worked hard to reach this farand so I believe whoever among themwins deserves it.
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26. Do beauty pageants help or hurt how society views women?
Answer:I believe pageants helps our society for the causes that benefits education, environment, and other issues that need to be addressed.
25. What are your views on girls that get plastic surgery to do a pageant?
Answer:I will always be a person’s choice to get a surgery to improve her looks.
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24. Do you think a titleholder should be single or in a relationship?
Answer: As long as the titleholder can fulfill her responsibility and does not break any rules during her reign, then it will not matter if she is single or in a relationship.
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23. If you were to win this pageant, how would you handle all the attention that you will receive?
Answer: I will still be me, no pretensions. I will fulfill my responsibility to the best of my ability.
22. How important is it to look good at all times?
Answer:It is very important for me to look my best all the time. I sincerely believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and I am the beholder of my beauty in my eyes. So, if I am not looking my best on the outside, I feel no one will make an effort to see what lies within me.
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21. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Answer:Home because that is the place where I’ve been the happiest.
20. What is the importance of beauty pageants in today’s world?
Answer:Beauty pageants have given women a platform to acknowledge their beauty, knowledge, and skills in front of the world. It is an opportunity to seek the better in you.
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19. What is your greatest obstacle? Why?
Answer:My greatest obstacle would be my own myopic view. I would overcome it with a change of perspective.
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18. Do you think that the youth of today faces more pressure of performance than the previous generation?
Answer: The present generation is something we can be proud of for the use of technology they can easily bring output to their ideas.
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17. If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose and why?
Answer:I would choose Vogue, as it has been for me, a celebration of womanhood, a trendsetter, a style guru, an example of top-notch reporting, a personification of high standards of living, and above all, perfection.
16. What do you expect to gain by participating in pageants? Why?
Answer:By being a part of these beauty pageants, I expect to gain an opportunity to discover my strengths and perfect them, realize my weaknesses and transform them into strengths, and take home the crown tonight.
15. What message would you give to the world about beauty pageants and the girls who compete in them?
Answer: You are awesome to be on that stage and continue to inspire others.
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14. Do you think the swimsuit round is derogatory?
Answer: I believe celebrating the beauty of our bodies is notderogatory.
Jade ThaiCatwalk/
13. Can students make a difference in politics even before they can vote?
Answer: The most unexpected piece of advice comes from young minds and I believe that students can participate by sharing their opinions about politics.
12. Do you think sports are an important part of school?
Answer: Sports promote camaraderie, which I believe is essential in every aspect of our lives
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11.What can be your greatest contribution to the community?
Answer: My greatest contribution is being a law-abiding citizen.
10. If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?
Your answer may vary on the thing or event that you want to change in your life.
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9. Would you like to be famous? Why or why not?
Answer: I’d like to be famous because there’s the opportunity to become a role model and spread a good influence among the youth.
8. How can schools better leverage social media to teach their students?
Answer: Social media can be a tool to teach students creativity and show output through social media as well.
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7. If money were no object describe to me your dream vacation.
Answer: As long as I am with my loved ones, especially my family, spending time with them is the best vacation I will ever have.
6. How are you a role model for your underclassmen?
Answer: I promote kindness and try to stop bullying and discrimination, which are quite common nowadays.
Copyright: wavebreakmediamicro / 123RF Stock Photo
5. What is the most important extracurricular activity that you are involved in and why?
Answer: The most important extracurricular activity that I am in is sports because it does not only mold me physically, but it also promotesmental and emotional health.
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4.Why should you win this pageant?
Answer:The reason I should win is because I will make a great titleholder. To me, a great titleholder understands that that being a queen is a job and part of my job description is to actively and creatively promote this pageant. So if I were to be chosen, I would bring more awareness to this pageant by actively recruiting girls to try to win my crown next year.
3. What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do in [your hometown]?
Your answer may vary on the things you do in your hometown.
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2. If you could meet any person in history who would it be?
Answer: I would want to meet thelate Pope John Paul II for up to this day his wisdom lives in the hearts of many.
1. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Your answer may vary on your embarrassing moment experience.
Here are our 50 common beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers. Of course, your answers will definitely vary, and we’ve chosen a few placeholder answers as recommendations for starting points. Go get that crown!